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Uno de los másexperimentados

Abogados especializados en fraude de inversiones, defensa de valores y arbitraje FINRA en todo el país

Abogado Pearce tiene más de décadas de experiencia de primera mano con las controversias de inversión en todo el país en los EE.UU., e internacionalmente. Somos uno de los más experimentados bufetes de abogados de arbitraje de valores FINRA en todo el país y hemos recuperado más de $ 175 millones en nombre de nuestros clientes.

Con más de 40 años de experiencia personal

$21,000,000 Fallo final por robo civil
$8,500,000 Acuerdo de fraude de bonos de corredores de bolsa
$8,200,000 Liquidación de la cuenta de margen del corredor de bolsa
$7,800,000 Liquidación del fraude en la opción de compra de acciones de un corredor de bolsa
$6,000,000 Liquidación de fraude de bonos y fondos de bonos de corredores de bolsa
$5,800,000 Laudo arbitral por fraude de corredor de bolsa
$5,500,000 Acuerdo de arbitraje de la FINRA
$5,000,000 Acuerdo de arbitraje FINRA
$4,300,000 Acuerdo de demanda colectiva ante el Tribunal Federal
$3,500,000 Acuerdo de la Corte del Estado de Florida
$3,350,000 Acuerdo de arbitraje de la FINRA
$3,200,000 Laudo arbitral de la FINRA
$2,750,000 Laudo arbitral de la FINRA

Las Oficinas Legales de Robert Wayne Pearce P.A., representa a clientes en todos los lados de los valores, los productos básicos y el fraude de inversión y otras cuestiones en una amplia gama de áreas de práctica en los tribunales de litigios, arbitraje, defensa de la SEC, y los procedimientos de mediación. Con sede en oficinas en Boca Ratón, Florida, corredor de bolsa abogado Robert Wayne Pearce y su equipo han manejado cientos de FINRA, AAA y JAMs valores de arbitraje y mediación de los casos de clientes satisfechos ubicados en muchos estados de EE.UU. en todo el mundo. Vea nuestras últimas investigaciones de corredores de bolsa aquí.

MÁS DE $175 MILLONES RECUPERADOS PARA CLIENTES Póngase en contacto con nuestros abogados para obtener ayuda en todo el país

Ayudamos a los inversores, asesores, corredores de bolsa, y proporcionamos defensa regulatoria

Elija sus necesidades de representación:

Conoce a nuestro equipo

Algunos abogados sólo trabajan para vivir: nosotros trabajamos... ¡por la justicia!

Las Oficinas Legales de Robert Wayne Pearce ha representado a los inversores en todo el mundo y en todo Estados Unidos. Nuestros abogados han recuperado más de $175 millones para sus clientes inversionistas en todo tipo de casos de fraude y mala conducta de corredores de bolsa.

Escuche a nuestros clientes

En las Oficinas Legales de Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A., creemos que el último barómetro de nuestro éxito es superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

Los siguientes clientes tienen conocimiento directo de los procesos de nuestra firma desde el interior y experimentaron nuestra feroz defensa.

Escuche a nuestros clientes

  • "Bob Pearce es el Héroe Marvel de la vida real que lucha por los pequeños inversores contra las instituciones de corretaje que gestionan el dinero duramente ganado de los inversores de forma descuidada, y lo que es peor, realizan fraudes descarados."

    Bob Pearce es el héroe de Marvel de la vida real que lucha por los pequeños inversores contra las instituciones de corretaje que gestionan el dinero duramente ganado de los inversores de forma descuidada y, lo que es peor, cometen fraude descaradamente. Durante años, fuimos engañados por una empresa de corretaje que nos dijo que corregiría el error o nos compensaría por él. Sólo después de que empezamos a trabajar con Bob, nos dimos cuenta de lo poderoso y maravilloso que es tener un experto legal superior a tu lado. Bob es inmensamente detallista, conocedor, profesional y confiado. Estamos más que contentos con el resultado que Bob logró para nosotros en tan sólo unos meses. ¡Gracias, Bob!

    - Q Wang -
  • "Robert Pearce es parte de esa inusual raza de abogados que son capaces de crear empatía con los clientes y adoptar a fondo su causa"

    No hay esfuerzos a medias aquí. Él y su grupo de profesionales son destacados estrategas que pueden ejecutar con un fervor preciso y una determinación inquebrantable. La suya es una enorme ola de hechos, investigaciones, precedentes y preparación, que me ha impresionado por su minuciosidad y creatividad, y lo más importante, por los resultados. Ninguna piedra queda sin remover y nunca se ahorra ningún esfuerzo. En mi libro, él y ellos son los de un tipo muy raro que uno quiere mantener por mucho tiempo.

    - Ramón Flores-Esteves -
  • "Al igual que la canción de HAMILTON, es tan agradable tener a Bob Pearce de tu lado".

    Al igual que la canción de HAMILTON, es tan agradable tener a Bob Pearce de tu lado. Es el abogado consumado del demandante: inteligente, dedicado, totalmente capaz de llevar un caso pero un gran negociador en una mediación. Hizo un trabajo maravilloso para nosotros, apoyándonos completamente a través del proceso y más que mantenerse en contra de un gran bufete de abogados nacional.

    - Maurice Z. -
  • "El Sr. Pearce y su personal superaron todas nuestras expectativas."

    El Sr. Pearce y su personal superaron todas nuestras expectativas. Pudimos llegar a un acuerdo que fue de nuestra completa satisfacción, todo dentro de un proceso muy fluido, profesional y eficiente. El Sr. Pearce es ahora no sólo nuestro abogado, sino también nuestro amigo de la familia. ¡Le recomendamos encarecidamente a él y a su equipo!

    - Severiano L. -
  • "Para la mejor oportunidad de lucha, Robert Pearce es el abogado que quieres en tu esquina."

    Este bufete de abogados es el verdadero negocio. Tuvimos tanta suerte de que aceptaran nuestro caso, ya que tienen tanta experiencia en valores y en todas las fechorías que ocurren en estas compañías de inversión donde te engañan a ti y a tu dinero (como en nuestro caso) en esquemas que no son lo que tú crees que son. El Sr. Robert Pearce es uno de los mejores abogados que hay, un verdadero profesional que luchará por usted y le dirá cómo es todo el tiempo. No podríamos haber pasado por esta experiencia si no fuera por todo el asesoramiento, la orientación y el apoyo que él y todo su personal y asociados aportaron al juego. Para la mejor oportunidad de lucha, Robert Pearce es el abogado que quieres en tu esquina.

    - Astrid M. -
  • "Nunca se sintió intimidado y su estudio del caso y la perseverancia prevalecieron en todo momento".

    El abogado Robert Pearce fue nuestro abogado en un caso contra una firma de corretaje y soy testigo de su capacidad e inteligencia para tratar con los abogados de la firma de abogados más prominente de Nueva York que fue la clave para recuperar gran parte de nuestras pérdidas animadas por su negligencia. Nunca se sintió intimidado y su estudio del caso y perseverancia prevalecieron en todo momento.

    - José A. C. -
  • "Al final, Bob y yo fuimos los últimos en reír cuando los árbitros me concedieron casi 6 millones de dólares."

    Ningún abogado, excepto Bob, dijo que tenía una oportunidad de ganar. Cuando los abogados de UBS se rieron y me ofrecieron cero para resolver la disputa, Bob se determinó aún más para probar que todos estaban equivocados. Bob estaba extremadamente preparado, y siempre un paso adelante de los abogados de la oposición durante todo el arbitraje. Al final, Bob y yo fuimos los últimos en reír cuando los árbitros me otorgaron casi 6 millones de dólares.

    - J. Blanco -
  • "Cada reunión y llamada telefónica se hizo con dedicación y deseo de ayudar a nuestra familia en cada paso del camino."

    El equipo de Robert es excelente. Son muy competitivos en lo que hacen y son muy responsables. Cada reunión y llamada telefónica se hizo con dedicación y deseo de ayudar a nuestra familia en cada paso del camino. Su profesionalismo, responsabilidad y empatía nos aseguraron que estábamos en buenas manos. Recomiende a todos.

    - Mayra A. -

Casos e investigaciones

Demandan a Joseph Michael Todd, ex agente de Centaurus Financial

The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. is currently representing a Client of Joseph Michael Todd who has filed an arbitration claim against his employer, Centaurus Financial, Inc. Joseph Michael Todd Formerly With Centaurus Financial, Inc. and Investors Capital Corp. Has Three (3) Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct. IMPORTANT: We are providing information about our clients’ allegations and seeking information from other investors who did business with Joseph Michael Todd and had similar investments, a similar investment strategy, and a similar bad experience to help us win our clients’ case. Please contact us online via our contact form or by giving us a ring at (800) 732-2889. Update: SEC Files Suit Against Joseph Michael Todd The SEC finally filed suit against Joseph Michael Todd (“Todd”) engaging in a fraudulent scheme from at least August 2016 through at least November 2022, where he allegedly misappropriated at least $3 million from at least 20 customers of Centaurus Financial, LLC (“Centaurus”), a dually registered broker-dealer and investment adviser that employed Todd as a registered representative. Todd obtained investor funds through deceptive means by instructing his Centaurus customers to write checks payable to his entities Todd Financial Services, LLC (“TFS”) and/or TFS Insurance Services LLC (“TFS Insurance”) or to Todd himself by falsely assuring customers that he and his entities would invest their funds in various securities. Instead, Todd commingled investors’ funds and kept the money for his own personal use, spending it on lavish real estate, boating, hunting, casinos, and adult entertainment. Todd perpetuated the fraud by making material misrepresentations to customers regarding the use of their funds in meetings that took place in person, in phone conversations, and in documents that he prepared and provided to customers. The SEC accused Todd and his entities because of their conduct, Todd, TFS, and TFS Insurance knowingly or recklessly committed securities fraud. In violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) [15 U.S.C. §§ 77e(a), 77e(c), and 77q(a)] and Todd, TFS, and TFS Insurance violated Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5]. The SEC brought the lawsuit to prevent further harm to investors and to seek disgorgement, civil penalties, permanent injunctions, and conduct-based injunctions stemming from the Defendants’ wrongdoing, and a permanent officer-and-director bar against Todd. Joseph Michael Todd Was Terminated by Centaurus Financial, Inc. On July 21, 2022, Joseph Michael Todd was terminated by Centaurus Financial, Inc. for not cooperating with an ongoing investigation into whether Joseph Michael Todd violated firm policy and industry rules with respect to allegations of selling away and the receipt of customer funds. Our law firm was contacted by a customer of Joseph Michael Todd alleging misappropriation or theft of funds. We are currently investigating such claims and are accepting clients who were victims of Joseph Michael Todd’s alleged misconduct. Joseph Michael Todd was fired from Centaurus Financial in July 2022, according to FINRA’s BrokerCheck. Michael Todd was terminated from Centaurus Financial because of claims he sold investments not authorized by the company, a common practice known as “selling away.” Did Joseph Michael Todd Cause You Investment Losses? Joseph Michael Todd, also known as Michael Todd, Formerly With Centaurus Financial, Inc. and Investors Capital Corp. Has Three (3) Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct. If you believe you have suffered investment losses resulting from the conduct of Joseph Michael Todd at Centaurus Financial and Investors Capital Corp. you can contact the securities attorneys at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. for a free consultation to discuss your rights. Joseph Michael Todd Customer Complaints Joseph Michael Todd has been the subject of three (3) customer complaints that we know about, one (1) of those complaints was filed in 2022 to recover investment losses. And One (1) of Joseph Michael Todd’s three (3) customer complaints were settled in favor of investors. However, one (1) of Joseph Michael Todd’s customer complaints was closed, and the customers have not taken any further action. There is currently one (1) pending customer complaint filed against Joseph Michael Todd’s former employer Centaurus Financial, Inc. for investment losses caused by alleged misconduct.  Allegations Against Joseph Michael Todd A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows:  We currently represent a Client of Joseph Michael Todd who have filed an arbitration claim against his employer, Centaurus Financial, Inc. A summary of the allegations made in the FINRA arbitration filed for investment losses realized by the Claimant were as follows: 1. Introduction Respondent Centaurus employed Joseph Michael Todd (hereafter referred to as either “Mike” or “Mr. Todd”) and held him out as registered representative, investment adviser, investment manager, financial adviser, and financial planner with special skills and expertise in the management of securities portfolios and financial, estate, retirement, and tax planning matters. Centaurus hired Mr. Todd after he was terminated by two prior broker-dealers for violations of industry rules, firm policies and procedures, including allegations of selling unapproved investments and misappropriation. It also permitted Mr. Todd to operate his Centaurus branch offices under the name “Todd Financial Services” as “a DBA for branding purposes.” The Respondent is being sued in its capacity as broker-dealer and investment adviser, investment portfolio manager, financial planner, and/or as an employer whose employees and agents, including, but not limited to, Mr. Todd, committed the acts and omissions which are the subject of this Statement of Claim.  Claimant is a 62-year-old single woman back working 3 months after she had retired and discovered that her Centaurus’ stockbroker and investment advisor Mr. Todd did the following: 1) Stole $425,000 of her funds that were supposed to have been invested in safe, liquid, fixed income securities for her retirement security and income; 2) Acted in his own “best interest” instead of Claimant’s “best interest” in soliciting her to sell $420,000 of her investment grade municipal bonds and reinvesting the sales proceeds in illiquid and high-risk...

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David Barnes, de UBS Financial Services: Reclamaciones de los inversores

¿LE CAUSÓ DAVID RAY BARNES PÉRDIDAS EN SUS INVERSIONES? David Barnes De UBS Financial Services Y Anteriormente Con Credit Suisse Securities (USA) Tiene Una Queja De Cliente Por Presunta Mala Conducta De Corredor Noticias Recientes: The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. Helps Investor Recover Investment Losses Caused by David Barnes La demandante es una viuda de 73 años que reside en Dallas, Texas. Estuvo casada hasta que su marido falleció el 30 de marzo de 2016. El Demandado, UBS Financial Services, Inc. ("UBS"), es una corporación de Delaware con sede principal en Weehawken, Nueva Jersey. El Demandado UBS empleó a David Barnes ("Barnes") y lo presentó a él y a otros empleados de UBS de su equipo como asesores de inversiones, gestores de inversiones, asesores financieros y planificadores financieros con conocimientos y experiencia especiales en la gestión de carteras de valores y asuntos financieros, patrimoniales, de jubilación y de planificación fiscal. Barnes poseía varias certificaciones profesionales que indicarían que sabía o debería haber sabido que su conducta en la gestión de las cuentas de los demandantes estaba por debajo del nivel aceptable de diligencia, a saber: Chartered Financial Analyst ("CFA"), Certified Financial Planner ("CFP") y Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst ("CAIA"). Las reclamaciones en este arbitraje incluían, entre otras, las siguientes (1) La omisión de Barnes de emplear técnicas modernas de cartera, como la asignación y diversificación de activos, para proteger los activos de los Demandantes de un riesgo irrazonable de pérdida a partir de marzo de 2019; (2) La omisión de Barnes y otros de salvaguardar y proteger los activos de los Demandantes de un riesgo irrazonable de pérdida en julio de 2019 y en adelante; (3) La omisión de Barnes y otros de cumplir con sus obligaciones fiduciarias y contractuales de vender valores y reducir la deuda con prontitud y de manera que sirviera al mejor interés; (4) La falsedad y el engaño de Barnes a los Demandantes sobre el rendimiento de los valores y las cuentas; (5) Declaraciones falsas y engañosas de Barnes sobre su estrategia de inversión y la disponibilidad de estrategias alternativas; (6) Declaraciones falsas y engañosas de Barnes a los reclamantes sobre el riesgo de seguir "manteniendo" una estrategia de inversión inadecuada, no diversificada y con un apalancamiento excesivo en las cuentas gestionadas por UBS de los reclamantes; (7) las recomendaciones inadecuadas de "mantener" de Barnes en relación con las cuentas de valores no diversificadas y sobreapalancadas gestionadas por Barnes el 13 de febrero de 2020 y posteriormente; y (8) el hecho de que UBS y Barnes no se abstuvieran de realizar operaciones por cuenta propia y de los conflictos de intereses relacionados con el asesoramiento de inversión prestado en relación con las líneas de crédito variables de los demandantes y las recomendaciones de estrategia de inversión. Obviamente, los árbitros consideraron que David Barnes de UBS incurrió en mala conducta porque después de considerar los alegatos, el testimonio y las pruebas presentadas en la audiencia, y cualquier presentación posterior a la audiencia, el Panel decidió en resolución completa y definitiva de las cuestiones sometidas a su determinación lo siguiente: La Demandada es responsable y deberá pagar a la Demandante la suma de 380.158,00 dólares en concepto de daños compensatorios. La Demandada es responsable y deberá pagar a la Demandante intereses sobre la suma antes mencionada a una tasa del 5% anual desde el 9 de agosto de 2022 hasta la fecha en que este Laudo sea pagado en su totalidad, inclusive. El Demandado es responsable y deberá pagar al Demandante la suma de $152,063.20 en concepto de honorarios de abogados de conformidad con el Código de Prácticas y Recursos Civiles de Texas. Si usted tuvo una experiencia similar con David Barnes, entonces es posible que desee considerar ponerse en contacto con nuestro bufete de abogados acerca de la viabilidad de sus reclamaciones y la capacidad de recuperar sus pérdidas de inversión.

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Broker C. Raymond Weldon Investigación y reclamaciones de clientes

C. Raymond Weldon Of Independent Financial Group, LLC And Formerly With The Investment Center, Inc. and Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, Has Six Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct. C. Raymond Weldon has been the subject of at least six (6) customer complaints that we know about to recover investment losses. The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. currently represent five of his customers in a FINRA arbitration claim against Weldon’s employers. IMPORTANT: We are providing information about our clients’ allegations and seeking information from other investors who did business with C. Raymond Weldon and had similar investments, a similar investment strategy, and a similar bad experience to help us win our clients’ case. Please contact us online via our contact form or by giving us a ring at (800) 732-2889. Raymond Weldon Customer Complaints Weldon has been the subject of at least six (6) customer complaints that we know about to recover investment losses. We currently represent five of his customers against Weldon’s employers. A summary of the allegations made in the FINRA arbitration filed for investment losses realized by five of Weldon’s clients were as follows: 1. Introduction Claimants filed an arbitration claim against Respondents Cetera Advisors Networks, LLC (“CAN”), The Investment center, Inc. (“TIC”), and (“IFG”) for their registered representative C. Raymond Weldon (“Weldon”) failure to act in Claimants’ “best interest,” and his unsuitable recommendations, misrepresentations, misleading statements, acts, and omissions. Weldon had written discretionary authority to manage Claimants’ accounts and failed to do so. Respondents CAN and TIC formerly employed and IFG who currently employs Weldon held him out and other employees on his team as stockbrokers, investment advisers, investment managers, financial advisers, and financial planners with special skills and expertise in the management of securities portfolios and financial, estate, retirement, and tax planning matters. Weldon was a Chartered Financial Consultant, a professional with a certification which would indicate Respondents and Weldon knew or should have known his mismanagement Claimants’ accounts was in breach of his fiduciary duties and below the acceptable standard of care of professionals like him.  2. THE RELEVANT FACTS All Claimants, except one Claimant’s wife, worked together. They were introduced to Weldon as an investment manager who successfully managed securities brokerage accounts for a local synagogue and many of its members. With one limited exception, none of the Claimants had any securities brokerage accounts or experience investing in the stock or bond markets before they met Weldon. They were all interested in saving for retirement and he solicited them to establish an investment advisory and brokerage relationship for that purpose. Claimants Richard, Anthony, Alex, Chris, and, later on, Jessica, opened small, unleveraged, and well diversified mutual fund investment accounts, which Weldon managed for a fee on an annualized basis (the “ProFunds Accounts”). The Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC (“CAN”) Accounts In or about October 2020, Weldon boasted about his performance in managing the ProFunds Accounts and introduced them to another type of customized stock brokerage account he managed for synagogue members. He encouraged Claimants to open additional accounts with him to invest in the stock market for their retirement (the “CAN Accounts”). Weldon met with Claimants and showed them documents related to his performance managing other clients’ accounts. He spoke with the other Claimants over the telephone about his performance record. He provided little detail about his management style other than he had a “track record” for substantially growing the assets deposited in his clients’ securities brokerage accounts and preserving assets for their retirement. Weldon claimed that his pro-active management style allowed him to maximize growth in the up markets and minimize losses in down markets. There was no discussion with them about the true nature, mechanics, or risks of the highly leveraged and overly concentrated investment strategy he deployed in the technology sector of the stock market.  The individual Claimants gathered assets from savings, bonuses, and/or refinanced real estate to open and deposit cash in their CAN Accounts. They each deposited substantial amount of money in each of their accounts in December of that year and the following year for Weldon to manage for their retirement. The Claimants’ employer was the last to open an account and deposit funds it had reserved for working capital in January 2021. Weldon prepared and all the Claimants signed management agreements and gave Weldon the authority to manage their accounts on margin without any prior consultation about the investments being made or strategy deployed and paid him a management fee to do so. Claimants did not realize Weldon’s papers also allowed Respondents to get paid commissions on each transaction in their accounts. Weldon also prepared and completed new account opening documents and agreements for managed accounts with false and/or misleading information to suit his strategy and his own “best interest,” as opposed to Claimants. For example, he wrote that one Claimant that was a construction company had over 20 years’ experience investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds when he knew it did not even exist until 2013 and never had any securities brokerage accounts. Further, Weldon knew that the company was depositing working capital which needed to be conservatively invested in non-volatile liquid investments and yet he falsely identified the company’s investment objective as “aggressive growth” and risk tolerance as “significant” meaning “an investor who seeks maximum return and accepts the risk of significant volatility and decreases in the value of a portfolio.” According to Weldon, the company had no need for liquidity, which was untrue. These were not clerical errors; rather, they were intentional mischaracterizations by Weldon to slip under the Compliance Department’s radar and manage the accounts in a speculative manner against Claimants’ instructions.  Weldon regularly encouraged Claimants to bring in more money for him to manage. Why? Because it was in his “best interest,” not the Claimants. The greater the total account market value, the greater the management fees which were based upon assets under management. The more money Claimants deposited, the more transactions and more commissions, Respondents and he received, in addition...

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Abogados especializados en inversiones y valores

Somos un bufete de abogados de valores reconocido a nivel nacional

Con un exitoso historial de recuperación de las pérdidas de inversión

El abogado Pearce es un respetado defensor de los inversores en toda la comunidad legal, conocido como un feroz litigante e incansable no sólo en Boca Ratón, sino en toda la Florida y en todo el país. Lea su Blog de Derechos de los Inversionistas y descubra la amplitud de sus conocimientos que sólo se puede obtener de más de 40 años de experiencia legal por sí mismo. Como uno de los más experimentados abogados de arbitraje FINRA, el Sr. Pearce conoce todas las opciones disponibles para su caso y las perseguirá vigorosamente para asegurar el mejor resultado posible para usted y su caso de fraude de corredores de bolsa y la mala conducta de los corredores de bolsa. Él ha ganado una calificación de pares de AV Preeminente * a través del proceso de calificación de revisión por pares Martindale-Hubbell, la más alta calificación disponible a través de ese programa.

El Sr. Pearce es uno de los Súper Abogados de Thomson Reuters Florida ** para Litigios de Valores (Top 5). Lea el artículo sobre él en la revista de Súper Abogados de Florida 2014 titulado: "Sin excusas - Cómo Robert Wayne Pearce miró fijamente un desastre personal".

Durante sus más de 40 años de experiencia en la práctica del derecho de valores y productos básicos, ha ganado numerosos premios y acuerdos millonarios para sus clientes, lo que le ha valido el reconocimiento por su éxito del Million Dollar Advocates Forum y del Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum como uno de los mejores abogados litigantes de América TM***.

Al contratar a Robert Wayne Pearce, un abogado con más de 40 años de experiencia ejerciendo en el área de valores, materias primas y fraude de inversiones a ambos lados de la mesa en arbitrajes y litigios en los tribunales, verá claramente su experiencia y conocimientos legales en acción. Al contar con un litigante feroz y un defensor incansable de sus derechos, un abogado que identificará rápidamente tanto las fortalezas como las debilidades de su caso, seguramente aumentará las probabilidades de ganar su caso.

Blog jurídico

¿Qué es el arbitraje FINRA? Disputas, proceso y guía

This is your definitive guide to FINRA arbitration in 2024. In this article you will learn: how disputes are handles under FINRA arbitration, the FINRA arbitration process, and what to expect if you are involved in a FINRA arbitration case. We will also cover the most important information that you will need to know about FINRA arbitration in 2024 so that you can be prepared if you find yourself involved in a case. What is FINRA Arbitration? FINRA arbitration is a forum for resolving disputes between investors and their brokerage firms or brokers, outside of court. It involves presenting evidence and arguments to a panel of arbitrators, who make a binding decision, called an award, on the dispute. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. As an investor, if you have suffered considerable investment losses caused by the behavior of your broker, then FINRA arbitration may be a viable solution. By filing for arbitration with FINRA, you could be entitled to recoupment or compensation from the brokerage firm responsible. It is highly recommended by FINRA that all investors seek the advice of a qualified FINRA attorney before filing for arbitration. FINRA Overview FINRA, the acronym for Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, governs disputes between investors and brokers and disputes between brokers. In this article, we solely concentrate on how an individual private investor files a claim to recover losses against their broker or financial advisor.  We will explain how FINRA fits into the securities regulatory scheme. We will discuss how FINRA provides services designed to resolve disputes in a cost-effective manner that is quicker than a traditional court and give some insight into how FINRA‘s arbitration procedure works. Next, we will examine the pros and cons of FINRA arbitration. Lastly, we will discuss how a highly experienced lawyer who has represented numerous clients successfully at FINRA arbitration can help you recover your damages from your broker or financial advisor.  What Is FINRA? FINRA is not a government agency. Unlike the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), FINRA is an organization established by Congress to oversee the brokerage industry. FINRA is a self-governing body and operates independently from the U.S. government. By contrast, the SEC more broadly regulates the buying and selling of securities on various exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange. The SEC approves initial public offerings and secondary offerings and can halt trading to avoid a crash if necessary.  Additionally, the SEC has law enforcement powers. Along with the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys Office, the SEC can investigate acts surrounding the buying, selling, and issuing of securities. The U.S. Attorney can pursue charges for crimes relating to the stock market, such as insider trading and wire fraud. While the SEC has the authority to file civil lawsuits against any person or organization violating the securities statutes and the SEC’s rules. How Is FINRA Different from the SEC? FINRA has a different function than the SEC altogether. FINRA is a regulatory agency designed to promote public confidence in the brokerage industry and the financial markets as well. People will not invest if they believe they have trusted unscrupulous financial advisors to protect their economic interests. FINRA ensures that its members comply with the ethical rules of their profession, similar to a state bar for attorneys or a board of registration for medical professionals.  Congress granted FINRA authorization to investigate complaints investors make concerning misconduct, fraud, or potentially criminal behavior. As a result, FINRA can discipline its members if the agency determines that a broker violated its professional code. FINRA can assess fines, place restrictions on a broker’s authority, or expel the member from its ranks for an egregious violation. Anyone who suspects their broker or their financial advisor of wrongdoing should file a complaint with FINRA’s complaint center for investors.  You should be aware that FINRA’s rules do not restrict you from filing a complaint seeking an investigation into wrongdoing and pursuing monetary damages in arbitration.  FINRA Alternative Dispute Resolution FINRA provides a forum for investors to resolve their disputes with their brokers or financial advisors. In fact, FINRA boasts the largest securities dispute resolution forum in the US. FINRA offers arbitration services, as well as mediation services, as a means to avoid costly and inefficient litigation in courts. FINRA provides a fair, effective, and efficient forum to resolve broker disputes. FINRA’s goal is to settle disputes quickly and efficiently without the standard procedural and discovery requirements that bog down cases filed in courts.  How Does Arbitration Work with FINRA? Arbitration is an alternative to filing a case in civil court. Arbitration tends to be less formal and is designed to process claims more quickly than filing a lawsuit in court.  FINRA’s arbitration process involves resolving monetary disputes among brokers and investors. FINRA’s arbitrators can issue monetary judgments and have the authority to order a broker to deliver securities to you if that is a just resolution of the case.  An arbitration hearing is similar to a trial in court. The parties admit evidence and argue their side to a neutral person or panel of arbitrators who will decide the case. The arbitrator’s decision, called an award, is the judgment of the case and is final. You should know that you do not have the right to appeal the award to another arbitrator. You may have an opportunity to pursue an appeal in court under limited circumstances. However, you cannot elect to arbitrate your case and then file a complaint in court seeking a trial on the issues decided by the arbitrator.  FINRA’s arbitration forum operates under the rules set forth by the SEC. FINRA ensures that the platform serves as it should and facilitates ending disputes. No member of FINRA participates in the arbitration. FINRA merely provides the forum and enforces the rules. Arbitrators decide the cases.  The arbitrators typically need about 16 months to issue an award. This is a lot quicker than court, where cases...

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Anuncio del ganador 2023 - Beca Robert Wayne Pearce de concienciación sobre el fraude de los inversores

As promised, today we are announcing the 2023 winner of the Robert Wayne Pearce Investor Fraud Awareness Scholarship. Over the course of the year, we received applications from over 175 students from 95 schools around the country who all wrote quality essays about Risks of Investing in the Cryptocurrency Market. The winner of the $2,500 scholarship is Daniel Jimenez Cardona, a student at Valencia College located in Orlando, Florida, who wrote: Risks of Investing in the Cryptocurrency Market The cryptocurrency market has been a topic of fascination and debate since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009. Over the past decade, cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity as alternative investments, promising high returns and financial independence. However, beneath the allure of this decentralized digital asset lies a complex landscape fraught with risks and uncertainties. In this essay, we will delve into the various risks associated with investing in the cryptocurrency market. One of the most prominent and widely acknowledged risks in the cryptocurrency market is its extreme volatility. Unlike traditional financial assets like stocks or bonds, cryptocurrencies are known for their price swings that can be both exhilarating and terrifying. Investors often experience rapid price fluctuations that can lead to substantial gains or painful losses within minutes. The speculative nature of the market, coupled with the absence of regulation, contributes to this rollercoaster ride.  Another significant risk stems from the lack of regulatory clarity surrounding cryptocurrencies. Different countries have adopted varying stances on digital currencies, leading to an ambiguous global landscape. Some nations have embraced cryptocurrencies and enacted regulations to govern them, while others have banned or restricted their use. This uncertainty makes it challenging for investors to assess the legal framework and potential future restrictions that may impact their investments. Cryptocurrencies operate on a blockchain, which is touted as a secure and immutable technology. However, this does not make them immune to security breaches. Hacks and cyberattacks on cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have been widespread, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars’ worth of digital assets. Investors are responsible for safeguarding their private keys and using secure platforms, but the risk of theft remains a constant concern. Investing in traditional financial markets offers investors a degree of protection through regulatory bodies and insurance schemes. In contrast, the cryptocurrency market lacks such safeguards. When a traditional bank fails, depositors are typically insured up to a certain amount. In the cryptocurrency world, if a platform goes bankrupt or is hacked, investors may have little to no recourse to recover their losses. This absence of consumer protection heightens the risk for those entering the market. The relatively small market capitalization of cryptocurrencies compared to traditional assets makes them susceptible to market manipulation. Pump-and-dump schemes, where the prices of certain cryptocurrencies are artificially inflated before being sold off at a profit, are not uncommon. Additionally, rumors and social media can play a significant role in influencing prices, leaving investors vulnerable to misinformation and coordinated efforts to drive market sentiment. Unlike stocks or bonds, cryptocurrencies do not generate income or dividends. Their value is often driven by speculation and market sentiment rather than intrinsic worth. This lack of fundamental value makes it challenging to assess whether a cryptocurrency is overvalued or undervalued, leading to investment decisions based on hype and trends rather than sound financial analysis. The success of cryptocurrencies as an investment is closely tied to their adoption for everyday use. While some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have gained mainstream recognition, they are not yet widely accepted for day-to-day transactions. Until cryptocurrencies achieve broader adoption and become an integral part of the global financial system, their long-term value remains uncertain. Investing in the cryptocurrency market can be an enticing prospect, offering the potential for substantial returns and financial independence. However, it is crucial for investors to recognize and understand the inherent risks associated with this nascent asset class. Volatility, regulatory uncertainty, security concerns, lack of consumer protections, market manipulation, absence of fundamental value, and limited adoption are all factors that contribute to the complex risk landscape of cryptocurrencies. As with any investment, due diligence, risk management, and a clear understanding of one’s risk tolerance are essential for navigating this ever-evolving market. While cryptocurrencies offer opportunities, they also demand caution and prudence from those who dare to venture into this exciting yet treacherous terrain. We thank all the other applicants for their efforts and announce that the next scholarship to be awarded December 15, 2024, will be given to the student who writes the most thoughtful essay about the Pros and Cons of a Balanced Portfolio.

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¿Cómo recupero mis pérdidas de inversión en Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda), Ltd.? Ltd.?

Have you experienced significant financial losses with Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd.? If you’re an investor reeling from this setback, you’re not alone. Many have faced similar challenges due to these investments. Our firm is dedicated to assisting investors like you. We understand the complexities of this situation and are prepared to help you navigate the legal avenues available to recover your losses. Reach out to us for a consultation and take the first step towards financial recovery. What Happened To My Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)Investment? Navigating the Aftermath of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda): A Guide for Investors The collapse of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. has generated significant financial hardships for numerous investors. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the situation and potential paths forward. Background: Northstar, formerly owned by Greg Lindberg (currently incarcerated for financial crimes), offered a range of financial products, primarily targeting foreign nationals. The company faced bankruptcy proceedings and legal issues prior to its liquidation in March 2021. Investor Impact: The company’s demise resulted in: Legal Options: Numerous investors are pursuing legal action through various avenues: Investment Losses? We Can Help Discuss your legal options with an attorney at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. Get A Free Consultation or, give us a ring at (800) 732-2889. How Do I Recover My Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)Investment Losses? Recovery Resources: Investors should consider seeking expert legal counsel to fully understand their options and determine the most effective course of action. Additionally, resources are available through: Moving Forward: The Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) debacle presents a challenging situation for investors. However, by understanding the situation, exploring legal options, and seeking professional guidance, investors can navigate this complex landscape and pursue potential avenues for recovery. This revised version maintains a professional tone while still addressing the emotional impact on investors. It emphasizes the specific actions investors can take and provides key resources to aid their recovery efforts. Because the Northstar Financial investment contracts were not being issuedwithin the U.S., they certainly required a higher level of scrutiny prior to beingsold to clients. Simply put, a certificate of deposit offered by a U.S. bankrequires a far lower level of scrutiny than an esoteric insurance or annuity-likeproduct offered by a Bermuda-based financial company. However, it appearsthat many brokerage firms failed to adhere to the standard required of themwhen selling the Northstar Financial investment contracts, including: Bancwest Investment Services J. P. Morgan Securities, LLC Bankoh Investment Services Ocean Financial Services Bank of Hawaii Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Cetera Investment Services Raymond James Financial Services Community America Financial Solutions SunTrust Investment Services East West Bank Truist Financial Services Hancock Whitney Investment Services United Nations Federal Credit Union J. P. Morgan Chase Bank Unionbanc Investment Services Recover Your Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)Investment Losses in a FINRA Arbitration The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. is prepared to help investorswho have sustained damages or monetary losses not only in NorthstarFinancial investments but other investments in your account in FINRAarbitration. If you were one of those investors who have suffered losses, youshould seek the immediate advice of an experienced securities litigationattorney with more than 40 years of experience representing investors ininvestment fraud and broker-dealer negligence cases. It is imperative thatyou seek our consultation as soon as possible, as there are applicableeligibility rules and/or statutes of limitation that may forever bar your claimagainst the broker-dealer who sold you the Northstar Financial investments ifyou do not file your claim in a timely manner. We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Get Paid! The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. will accept most cases on acontingency fee basis. This means if we do not recover any of your money,you will not incur any fees owed to our firm. In other words, our attorney’sfees are collected only if we successfully settle your case or obtain a monetaryaward at the final arbitration hearing. We will also bear the cost of your casethrough the litigation process, and we will be reimbursed for such costs onlyif we are successful in recovering your monetary losses. Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. Recovers Investment Losses The attorneys at the Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. are ready andwilling to devote their experience to evaluate your case and, if it has merit,achieve the best possible outcome in an arbitration proceeding. For over 40years we have represented investors in arbitration and securities litigationmatters, including FINRA arbitration proceedings in nearly every state.Contact us now at 561-338-0037 or online to schedule your free initialconsultation.

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