J.P. Morgan demandada por la presunta mala conducta de Edward Turley: ¡55 millones de dólares!

The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. has filed another case against Ex-J.P. Morgan broker Ed Turley for alleged misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts. The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce has filed another case against J.P. Morgan Securities for alleged misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts continuing in fall 2019 and thereafter by Edward Turley (“Turley”), a former “Vice-Chairman” of J.P. Morgan. At the outset, it is important for our readers to know that our clients’ allegations have not yet been proven. IMPORTANT: We are providing information about our clients’ allegations and seeking information from other investors who did business with J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley and had similar investments, a similar investment strategy, and a similar bad experience to help us win our clients’ case. Please contact us online via our contact form or by giving us a ring at (800) 732-2889. Latest Updates on Ed Turley – November 18, 2022 The Advisor Hub reported today that the former star broker with J.P. Morgan Advisors in San Francisco Edward Turley agreed to an industry bar rather than cooperate with FINRA’s probe of numerous allegations of excessive and unauthorized trading that resulted in more than $100 million worth of customer complaints. FINRA had initiated its investigation of Edward Turley as it related to numerous customer complaints in 2020. The regulator noted in its Acceptance Waiver and Consent Agreement (AWC) that the investors had generally alleged “sales practice violations including improper exercise of discretion and unsuitable trading.” According to Edward Turley’s BrokerCheck report, he had been fired in August 2021 for “loss of confidence concerning adherence to firm policies and brokerage order handling requirements.” On October 28th, FINRA requested Turley provide on-the-record testimony related to his trading patterns, including the “use of foreign currency and margin, and the purchasing and selling of high-yield bonds and preferred stock,” but Edward Turley through counsel declined to do so. As a result, Edward Turley violated FINRA’s Rule 8210 requiring cooperation with enforcement probes, and its catch-all Rule 2010 requiring “high standards of commercial honor,” the regulator said and he was barred permanently from the securities industry. Related Read: Can You Sue a Financial Advisor or Stockbroker Over Losses? Turley Allegedly Misrepresented And Misled Claimants About His Investment Strategy The claims arise out of Turley’s “one-size-fits-all” fixed income credit spread investment strategy involving high-yield “junk” bonds, preferred stocks, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), master limited partnerships (“MLPs”), and foreign bonds. Instead of purchasing those securities in ordinary margin accounts, Turley executed foreign currency transactions to raise capital and leverage clients’ accounts to earn undisclosed commissions. Turley over-leveraged and over-concentrated his best and biggest clients’ accounts, including Claimants’ accounts, in junk bonds, preferred stocks, and MLPs in the financial and energy sectors, which are notoriously illiquid and subject to sharp price declines when the financial markets become stressed as they did in March 2020. In the beginning and throughout the investment advisory relationship, Turley described his investment strategy to Claimants as one which would generate “equity returns with very low bond-type risk.” Turley and his partners also described the strategy to clients and prospects as one “which provided equity-like returns without equity-like risk.” J.P. Morgan supervisors even documented Turley’s description of the strategy as “creating portfolio with similar returns, but less volatility than an all-equity portfolio.” Note: It appears that no J.P. Morgan supervisor ever checked to see if the representations were true and if anybody did, they would have known Turley was lying and have directly participated in the scheme. The Claimants’ representative was also told Turley used leverage derived from selling foreign currencies, Yen and Euros, to get the “equity-like” returns he promised. Turley also told the investor not to be concerned because he “carefully” added leverage to enhance returns. According to Turley, the securities of the companies he invested in for clients “did not move up or down like the stock market,” so there was no need to worry about him using leverage in Claimants’ accounts and their cash would be available whenever it was needed. The Claimants’ representative was not the only client who heard this from Turley; that is, he did not own volatile stocks and not to worry about leverage. Turley did not discuss the amount of leverage he used in clients’ accounts, which ranged from 1:1 to 3:1, nor did Turley discuss the risks currency transactions added to the portfolio, margin calls or forced liquidations as a result of his investment strategy. After all, Turley knew he could get away without disclosing those risks. This was because J.P. Morgan suppressed any margin calls being sent to Turley’s clients and he liquidated securities on his own to meet those margin calls without alarming clients.  This “one-size-fits-all” strategy was a recipe for disaster. J.P. Morgan and Turley have both admitted that Turley’s investment strategy was not suitable for any investor whose liquid net worth was fully invested in the strategy. It was especially unsuitable for those customers like Claimants who had other plans for the funds in their J.P. Morgan accounts in fall 2019 and spring 2020. Unfortunately, Turley recommended and managed the “one-size-fits-all” strategy for his best clients and friends, including Claimants. Turley was Claimants’ investment advisor and portfolio manager and required under the law to serve them as a “fiduciary.” He breached his “fiduciary” duties in making misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts. The most egregious breach was his failure to take any action to protect his clients at the end of February 2020, when J.P. Morgan raised the red flags about COVID-19 and recommended defensive action be taken in clients’ accounts. Turley Allegedly Managed Claimants’ Accounts Without Written Discretionary Authority Claimants’ representative hired Turley to manage his “dry powder,” the cash in Claimants’ accounts at J.P. Morgan, which he would need on short notice when business opportunities arose. At one point, Claimants had over $100 million on deposit with J.P. Morgan. It was not...

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Inversores con cuentas de margen y líneas de crédito respaldadas por valores "reventadas": ¿Cómo recuperar sus pérdidas de inversión?

Si está leyendo este artículo, suponemos que recientemente ha tenido una mala experiencia en una línea de crédito respaldada por valores ("SBL") o en una cuenta de margen que sufrió ajustes de márgenes y fue liquidada sin previo aviso, lo que le ocasionó pérdidas. Normalmente, los inversores con ajustes de márgenes disponen de 3 a 5 días para cumplirlos; y si eso hubiera ocurrido, el valor de los valores de su cuenta podría haber aumentado en ese plazo y la empresa podría haber borrado el ajuste de márgenes y no haber liquidado su cuenta. Si usted es un inversor que ha experimentado ajustes de márgenes en el pasado, y esa es su única queja, no siga leyendo, porque cuando firmó el contrato de cuenta con la empresa de corretaje con la que eligió hacer negocios, probablemente le dio el derecho de liquidar todos los valores de su cuenta en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Por otro lado, si usted es un inversor con poca experiencia o con una situación financiera modesta al que convencieron para abrir una cuenta de línea de crédito respaldada por valores sin informarle de la verdadera naturaleza, mecánica y/o riesgos de abrir una cuenta de este tipo, ¡llámenos ahora! Alternativamente, si usted es un inversor que necesitaba retirar dinero para una casa o para pagar sus impuestos o la educación de sus hijos, pero le convencieron de mantener una cartera arriesgada o concentrada de acciones y/o bonos basura en una cuenta de garantía prendaria para una línea de crédito o una cuenta de margen, entonces probablemente también podamos ayudarle a recuperar sus pérdidas de inversión. La clave para recuperar con éxito sus pérdidas de inversión no es centrarse en la liquidación por parte de la empresa de corretaje de los valores de su cuenta sin previo aviso. En su lugar, el foco de su caso debe estar en lo que le dijeron y si la recomendación era adecuada para usted antes de que abriera la cuenta y sufriera la liquidación.

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Arbitraje FINRA: Qué esperar y por qué debe elegir nuestro bufete de abogados

Si está leyendo este artículo, es probable que sea un inversor que ha perdido una cantidad sustancial de dinero, ha buscado en Google "FINRA Arbitration Lawyer" (abogado de arbitraje de la FINRA), ha hecho clic en varios sitios web de abogados y puede que incluso haya hablado con un supuesto "Securities Arbitration Lawyer" (abogado de arbitraje de valores) que le dijo tras una llamada telefónica de cinco minutos que "tiene un gran caso"; "necesita firmar un acuerdo de retención sobre la base de "honorarios de contingencia"; y "necesita actuar ahora porque el plazo de prescripción va a correr".

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Introducción de los agentes de bolsa a los exámenes e investigaciones de la FINRA

Los corredores y asesores financieros a menudo no entienden cuáles son sus responsabilidades y obligaciones y lo que puede resultar de un examen o investigación de la Autoridad Reguladora de la Industria Financiera (FINRA). Muchos corredores ni siquiera conocen el papel que desempeña la FINRA en el sector. Esto puede deberse al hecho de que FINRA, una organización autorreguladora, no es una entidad gubernamental y no puede condenar a los profesionales financieros a penas de cárcel por infringir las normas y reglamentos del sector. No obstante, todos los corredores-agentes que operan con el público deben registrarse en FINRA. Como miembros registrados, los corredores-agentes, y los corredores que trabajan para ellos, han acordado cumplir las normas y reglamentos del sector, que incluyen las normas de la FINRA.

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