Regra FINRA 3270: Atividades Comerciais Externas

When you engage a registered investment adviser to manage your money, you want to make sure that nothing will interfere with your securities professional’s duty to you. FINRA Rule 3270, referred to outside business activities, gives transparency to potential conflicts of interest your investment adviser may have.  FINRA Rule 3270 requires your investment advisor to disclose their outside business activities. The purpose of FINRA 3270 is to keep FINRA member firms accountable to you, the client. If you are concerned that your securities professional might have violated certain disclosure rules, a knowledgeable FINRA arbitration lawyer can help you understand your options. What is FINRA Rule 3270? FINRA Rule 3270 prohibits broker-dealers from engaging in any outside business activities that involve the sale of securities unless they have first provided written notice to their employing firm. “Outside business activity” refers to a registered person’s involvement in offering, purchasing, or selling securities outside of their broker-dealer’s regular business activities. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. FINRA Rule 3270 requires the disclosure of outside business activities. This FINRA regulation is a vital measure for protecting investors and ensuring that their advisor is prioritizing their interests. What is Considered a FINRA “Outside Business Activity”? FINRA outside business activities are broadly defined. FINRA Rule 3270 states that they include any paid work performed outside of a securities professional’s employment. This includes: This rule only requires an investment advisor to notify his or her employer of FINRA outside business activities. It does not require the investment advisor to do anything beyond provide a notification. Instead, the FINRA member firm makes a determination about what outside business activities are acceptable to the firm and its clients. The firm decides how or if outside business activities should continue to be carried out. Common Examples of FINRA Outside Business Activities Common examples of outside business activities include: Your investment advisor needs to report any of these activities to their employer under FINRA 3270.  The examples above are not exhaustive. An investment adviser also needs to report their wedding photography business or snorkel tour side-gig to their employer under the rules. FINRA rules about outside business activities apply to any paid work. Passive Investments Are Not Outside Business Activities While FINRA Rule 3270 casts a wide net, it allows investment advisers to make passive personal investments. Investing in diversified index funds or private securities transactions is not an outside business activity. Investment advisers may also put their personal funds into a blind trust. Blind trusts do not allow people to direct how their money is invested. Other FINRA rules require some disclosure about personal investments to ensure that your broker is being as transparent as possible about their potential conflicts of interest. FINRA Rule 3280 requires disclosure of private securities transactions. Your securities professional must strictly comply with this rule and its requirements. Your brokerage firm should ensure the investment adviser’s compliance with FINRA Rule 3280.  Responsibility of Brokerage Firms to Clients Once an investment advisor makes an outside business activities disclosure, the FINRA member firm must take important action. Each firm typically has its own form for reporting and its own protocol for review.  How Do Firms Determine Whether an Outside Business Activity Is Acceptable? Once a firm receives a disclosure, it needs to decide whether the outside business activities are acceptable. The FINRA member firm reviews all facts surrounding the disclosure. Then the firm answers two key questions to protect investors like you. First, Rule 3270 asks a FINRA member firm to consider all the circumstances surrounding the outside business activities. The review includes assessing the type of outside business, reviewing the time spent on the business, and confirming the type or amount of compensation received. The firm must decide whether outside business activities will interfere with the securities professional’s responsibilities to their employer and/or the firm’s clients. Second, Rule 3270 asks a FINRA member firm to think about whether outside business activities will be viewed by customers or the public as part of the member’s business. This review assesses whether a client would confuse the investment adviser’s outside business activities with their securities business.  How Do Firms Address Outside Business Activities That Conflict with an Advisor’s Duties? If the firm determines that the investment adviser’s outside business activities interfere with their responsibilities to the firm or its clients, then the firm should limit or prohibit the activity. FINRA Rule 3270 also requires firms to maintain a record of compliance. It is the firm’s responsibility to keep records of all outside business activities disclosures and compliance reviews. Brokerage firms are responsible to their clients to ensure that they are providing appropriate and conflict-free service in managing client assets. FINRA member firms must represent that their investment advisers are not engaging in outside business activities that compromise client interests. If you believe that your brokerage firm has failed to hold investment advisers accountable to FINRA Rule 3270 or otherwise adhere to conflict of interest rules, the firm may be liable for investor losses. Now may be the time to file a FINRA complaint against your advisor or broker. Have You Been Harmed by Your Investment Advisor’s Outside Business Activities? If you are an investor with concerns that your investment professional has failed to disclose important information to you, please call The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. Our FINRA arbitration lawyers have successfully represented individuals harmed by broker and investment advisor negligence or misconduct for over 40 years. Cases involving violations of FINRA rules are complex. Attorney Pearce has the expertise and experience to help you navigate any kind of securities or investment dispute. Contact our team today to discuss an evaluation of your potential case. Our team has recovered over $170 million for our clients, and we want to help you too.

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Anunciando o vencedor de 2022 - Robert Wayne Pearce Investor Fraud Awareness Scholarship

Como prometido, hoje anunciamos o vencedor da Bolsa de Estudo Robert Wayne Pearce Investor Fraud Awareness Scholarship 2022. Ao longo do ano, recebemos inscrições de mais de 75 alunos de 44 escolas de todo o país que escreveram ensaios de qualidade sobre o Robinhood App e se foi uma boa ferramenta para investidores novatos ou apenas um jogo para aproveitá-los. O vencedor da bolsa de estudos de 2.500 dólares é Alecia Ann Des Lauries, uma estudante do Alexandria Technical & Community College, localizado em Alexandria, Minnesota, que escreveu: O aplicativo Robinhood Investment é um querido entre Millennials e Generation Z. O painel é elegante e fácil de entender. É uma plataforma "simples" e "fácil" que "democratiza o investimento para todos". Qualquer pessoa pode comprar ações, EFTs e moedas criptográficas com apenas um apertar de botão. Não há taxas de comissão, e você pode começar a investir com apenas $1! O que não se deve gostar? Acontece, muito. Seu marketing manhoso e sua facilidade de uso disfarçam uma verdade feia: o aplicativo é uma das piores maneiras de começar a investir. Toda a plataforma é um jogo pouco velado que explora investidores de primeira viagem, o que representa mais da metade de sua base de usuários (Segal, 2021). Robinhood promove os freebies de forma agressiva. Novos clientes ganham ações gratuitas. Você pode ganhar mais ações gratuitas se indicar amigos para o aplicativo. Há freqüentes "sorteios" para moedas criptográficas e ações. Os influenciadores das mídias sociais seduzem novos usuários através de ofertas de ações gratuitas exclusivas. Uma vez cadastrado, o aplicativo o ajudará até mesmo a escolher seu primeiro estoque. Então, você pode se inscrever para seu cartão de débito, o "Cash Card", onde você pode ganhar bônus, mas por reinvestir em ações e criptografia somente em sua plataforma. Uma vez dentro, você é forçado a investir. Existem listas de ações "populares" e "com tendência". As widgets recomendam quais ações individuais e criptográficas comprar ou vender. Mensagens comemorativas e animações acionam quando você compra, vende ou atinge certos marcos. O desenho artístico brilhante e cartoonístico é divertido, mas desarmante. É fácil esquecer que você está negociando com dinheiro real e está assumindo riscos reais. Isso é intencional. É assim que Robinhood gera receita. Cerca de 70% (Curry, 2022) de sua receita vem do pagamento do fluxo de ordens, o que significa que recebe pagamentos ao encaminhar as negociações para os criadores de mercado. Quanto mais negócios ocorrem, mais receita o Robinhood recebe. Foi assim que a empresa arrecadou 331 milhões de dólares no primeiro trimestre de 2021 (Geron, 2021). O mais eloqüente é que a própria plataforma é simplista. Não há fundos mútuos ou renda fixa para investidores mais conservadores. Não há IRAs ou 401(k)s - um enorme desserviço para os 55% dos Millennials (Loudenback, 2019) e 90% da Geração Z (Koterbski, 2022) que não têm contas de aposentadoria. Robinhood não oferece forex ou futuros para investidores mais experientes, muito menos ações ou ETF screeners para investimentos intensivos em pesquisa. As ferramentas de pesquisa mais rudimentares estão por trás de um paywall, e mesmo assim, ele é insuficiente em comparação com os corretores concorrentes. Investidores mais experientes se reúnem rapidamente a outras corretoras que oferecem ferramentas mais robustas. Isso porque esses investidores não são o mercado-alvo de Robinhood. E a plataforma quer continuar assim. Os recursos educacionais, embora estejam melhorando, ainda são ridiculamente superficiais. Não há quase nada sobre gestão de risco; a maior parte do "risco" que você verá está em suas isenções de responsabilidade. Robinhood presta um serviço labial para ajudar a construir "riqueza para uma nova geração", enquanto equipa seus usuários com ferramentas inferiores e educação secundária. Não é de se admirar que muitos colunistas tenham criticado Robinhood por ser muito parecido com um cassino. E, como diz o ditado, a casa sempre vence! Agradecemos a todos os outros candidatos por seus esforços e anunciamos que a próxima bolsa de estudos a ser concedida em 15 de dezembro de 2023 será entregue ao aluno que escrever o ensaio mais atencioso sobre os Riscos de Investir no Mercado de Moedas Criptocópicas.

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