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The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. has filed another case against Ex-J.P. Morgan broker Ed Turley for alleged misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts.

The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce has filed another case against J.P. Morgan Securities for alleged misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts continuing in fall 2019 and thereafter by Edward Turley (“Turley”), a former “Vice-Chairman” of J.P. Morgan.

At the outset, it is important for our readers to know that our clients’ allegations have not yet been proven.

IMPORTANT: We are providing information about our clients’ allegations and seeking information from other investors who did business with J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley and had similar investments, a similar investment strategy, and a similar bad experience to help us win our clients’ case. Please contact us online via our contact form or by giving us a ring at (800) 732-2889.

Latest Updates on Ed Turley – November 18, 2022

The Advisor Hub reported today that the former star broker with J.P. Morgan Advisors in San Francisco Edward Turley agreed to an industry bar rather than cooperate with FINRA’s probe of numerous allegations of excessive and unauthorized trading that resulted in more than $100 million worth of customer complaints.

FINRA had initiated its investigation of Edward Turley as it related to numerous customer complaints in 2020. The regulator noted in its Acceptance Waiver and Consent Agreement (AWC) that the investors had generally alleged “sales practice violations including improper exercise of discretion and unsuitable trading.”

According to Edward Turley’s BrokerCheck report, he had been fired in August 2021 for “loss of confidence concerning adherence to firm policies and brokerage order handling requirements.” On October 28th, FINRA requested Turley provide on-the-record testimony related to his trading patterns, including the “use of foreign currency and margin, and the purchasing and selling of high-yield bonds and preferred stock,” but Edward Turley through counsel declined to do so.

As a result, Edward Turley violated FINRA’s Rule 8210 requiring cooperation with enforcement probes, and its catch-all Rule 2010 requiring “high standards of commercial honor,” the regulator said and he was barred permanently from the securities industry.

Related Read: Can You Sue a Financial Advisor or Stockbroker Over Losses?

Turley Allegedly Misrepresented And Misled Claimants About His Investment Strategy

The claims arise out of Turley’s “one-size-fits-all” fixed income credit spread investment strategy involving high-yield “junk” bonds, preferred stocks, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), master limited partnerships (“MLPs”), and foreign bonds. Instead of purchasing those securities in ordinary margin accounts, Turley executed foreign currency transactions to raise capital and leverage clients’ accounts to earn undisclosed commissions.

Turley over-leveraged and over-concentrated his best and biggest clients’ accounts, including Claimants’ accounts, in junk bonds, preferred stocks, and MLPs in the financial and energy sectors, which are notoriously illiquid and subject to sharp price declines when the financial markets become stressed as they did in March 2020.

In the beginning and throughout the investment advisory relationship, Turley described his investment strategy to Claimants as one which would generate “equity returns with very low bond-type risk.” Turley and his partners also described the strategy to clients and prospects as one “which provided equity-like returns without equity-like risk.” J.P. Morgan supervisors even documented Turley’s description of the strategy as “creating portfolio with similar returns, but less volatility than an all-equity portfolio.”

Note: It appears that no J.P. Morgan supervisor ever checked to see if the representations were true and if anybody did, they would have known Turley was lying and have directly participated in the scheme.

The Claimants’ representative was also told Turley used leverage derived from selling foreign currencies, Yen and Euros, to get the “equity-like” returns he promised. Turley also told the investor not to be concerned because he “carefully” added leverage to enhance returns. According to Turley, the securities of the companies he invested in for clients “did not move up or down like the stock market,” so there was no need to worry about him using leverage in Claimants’ accounts and their cash would be available whenever it was needed.

The Claimants’ representative was not the only client who heard this from Turley; that is, he did not own volatile stocks and not to worry about leverage. Turley did not discuss the amount of leverage he used in clients’ accounts, which ranged from 1:1 to 3:1, nor did Turley discuss the risks currency transactions added to the portfolio, margin calls or forced liquidations as a result of his investment strategy. After all, Turley knew he could get away without disclosing those risks.

This was because J.P. Morgan suppressed any margin calls being sent to Turley’s clients and he liquidated securities on his own to meet those margin calls without alarming clients. 

This “one-size-fits-all” strategy was a recipe for disaster. J.P. Morgan and Turley have both admitted that Turley’s investment strategy was not suitable for any investor whose liquid net worth was fully invested in the strategy.

It was especially unsuitable for those customers like Claimants who had other plans for the funds in their J.P. Morgan accounts in fall 2019 and spring 2020. Unfortunately, Turley recommended and managed the “one-size-fits-all” strategy for his best clients and friends, including Claimants. Turley was Claimants’ investment advisor and portfolio manager and required under the law to serve them as a “fiduciary.”

He breached his “fiduciary” duties in making misrepresentations, misleading statements, unsuitable recommendations, and mismanagement of Claimants’ accounts. The most egregious breach was his failure to take any action to protect his clients at the end of February 2020, when J.P. Morgan raised the red flags about COVID-19 and recommended defensive action be taken in clients’ accounts.

Turley Allegedly Managed Claimants’ Accounts Without Written Discretionary Authority

Claimants’ representative hired Turley to manage his “dry powder,” the cash in Claimants’ accounts at J.P. Morgan, which he would need on short notice when business opportunities arose. At one point, Claimants had over $100 million on deposit with J.P. Morgan. It was not unusual for Claimants to deposit millions and make multi-million-dollar withdrawals of funds for different acquisitions and projects. Turley would then select the securities to buy with the cash deposited that suited his “one-size-fits-all” strategy.

He would also decide whether to sell securities and/or increase the leverage in the accounts to meet Claimants need for cash from the accounts. Turley regularly made multi-million-dollar purchases and sales in Claimants’ accounts without a word being spoken with his clients. 

Although Turley called and texted often, the communications with his clients were almost always about anything other than getting permission to buy or sell any securities in Claimants’ accounts. Turley’s reports about account activity were generally limited to the “Big Number;” that is, reporting the net equity in the accounts and whether it had gone up or down. Turley rarely consulted with Claimants’ representative about any transaction in Claimants’ accounts before they occurred. 

Turley exercised his discretion even though Claimants never executed any documents giving him written discretionary authority over Claimants’ accounts. There was not enough time in the day to speak with every client and do the volume of transactions on an individual basis, so Turley exercised discretion and entered large block orders in the same securities for many of his clients at the same time to generate millions in commissions and fees each year.

Note: Claimants did not think this was unusual because they hired Turley to manage their accounts, just as they hired others to manage other businesses. However, Turley knew better and hid the fact he was exercising his discretion in management of clients’ accounts because he was doing so in violation of FINRA’s rules and J.P. Morgan policies designed to protect investors.

Turley Allegedly Misled Claimants About The Performance Of The Accounts 

The only time Turley would review the activity in Claimants’ accounts in any detail was when he made visits (usually quarterly) to Claimants’ home in Texas. Turley would fly his own jet plane into the local airport and bring some wine along with a handful of booklets he said J.P. Morgan prepared for review of Claimants’ and family members’ accounts. Turley would wine, dine, and curry favor with Claimants’ representative and his family. The next day, they would go to the office and Turley would quickly run down the list of securities in the accounts and ended the meeting with a discussion about the “Big Number” (Net Equity) and “Cash on Cash” returns in the reports as if it were a true measure of account performance. 

Turley was always telling Claimants they were earning 10% plus “Cash on Cash” returns in Claimants’ accounts to mislead them into thinking he was a successful manager. Turley never told Claimants the “Cash on Cash” return figures did not account for declines in the accounts market value and that the more accurate performance measurement, “Total Return,” was much less. Incredibly, J.P. Morgan managers supposedly reviewed those reports and yet they allowed Turley to distribute them to clients with that misleading “Cash on Cash” return and other misleading so-called “time weighted” performance figures.

Turley Allegedly Misrepresented PFF As a Money Market Substitute 

One of the securities Turley liked to invest and accumulate in all his clients’ accounts, including Claimants’ accounts, was the iShares Preferred & Income Securities ETF (“PFF”). Turley described it as a “money market” investment that would not fluctuate in value and was a quick source of cash whenever they needed to withdraw funds for business opportunities and personal expenses. At one point, Turley purchased and held over $72 million worth of PFF in Claimants’ accounts. 

J.P. Morgan managers knew that Turley was misrepresenting PFF; they knew it could not possibly be considered a safe, low-risk “money market substitute” for clients. After all, PFF was currently yielding 5.7% when the current yield of virtually every money market fund was under 1% at the time; the annualized standard deviation (volatility risk measurement) of PFF for prior ten (10) years was close to 20%; and in 2008-2009, the annualized standard deviation of PFF was above 55% (without leverage). Unfortunately, J.P. Morgan did nothing to curb Turley’s appetite for PFF or reprimand him for misrepresenting the nature and risks of the exchange traded fund.

Turley’s misrepresentation of PFF as a “money market substitute” cost his clients tens of millions in losses. Claimants alone suffered more than $4.5 million in PFF capital losses during the same period money market fund holders had zero losses.

J.P. Morgan Knew All About Turley’s Misconduct And Did Nothing!

J.P. Morgan managers were aware of the nature, mechanics, and risks of Turley’s investment strategy that was being deployed in most of his clients’ accounts.

They suspected he was exercising discretion without written authority but did nothing to stop him because Turley was no ordinary investment adviser and stockbroker. He was one of the top producers of fees and commissions for one of the largest broker-dealers and investment advisory firms in the country.

At one point during the relevant period, Turley generated close to $30 million in revenues for the firm on $1.6 billion of assets under management (“AUM”) in his clients’ accounts. Consequently, he had the attention and support of management at the highest level, including Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, who praised Turley’s skills and success at lunches with clients, including lunches with both Turley and the Claimants’ representative in this arbitration.

Not only did Turley receive free lunches from management, but he also received free passes when it came to compliance with FINRA rules and the brokerage firm’s policies and procedures in place to protect J.P. Morgan customers from sales abuse and unreasonable losses.

Senior managers gave Turley carte blanche regarding clients’ accounts. And when lower echelon compliance supervisors and branch managers questioned Turley’s conduct, they either resigned or were terminated. On the other hand, Turley was not forced to resign and was not terminated until multiple clients filed written and verbal complaints about more than $100 million in losses suffered in accounts Turley managed without written discretionary authority or the firm’s approval, after FINRA and state regulators opened investigations, and Turley finally admitted he had lied to J.P. Morgan about managing client accounts without written authority or firm approval.

As a result of Turley’s misconduct and mismanagement and J.P. Morgan’s supervisory failures, clients, including Claimants, in March 2020 suffered mass liquidations of securities in their accounts at bargain-basement prices and realized multi-million-dollar losses. Prior thereto, J.P. Morgan had many opportunities to rein in Turley’s rogue broker behavior and protect clients, including Claimants, from his misconduct and mismanagement of their accounts but failed to do so until it was too late!

J.P. Morgan Fired Turley, Albeit Too Late To Protect Investors 

By July 2020, several Turley clients verbally complained and at least two arbitration claims were filed seeking over $30 million from J.P. Morgan for Turley’s misconduct and mismanagement of their accounts and its failure to supervise. During a recent arbitration hearing, Turley’s branch manager testified that he and Senior Compliance Officer met with Turley to discuss the allegations, as well as the sales practices of Turley and his team.

Once again, J.P. Morgan management wrongfully took Turley’s word as the gospel and proof of innocence. Both supervisors knew that the SEC and FINRA expected more from supervisors than to accept the accused’s word he did nothing wrong. Yet J.P. Morgan took no action, such as contacting clients who had not yet complained about whether Turley was telling the truth. 

It was not until August 2021, a year later, that J.P. Morgan managers took any action for Turley’s misconduct; they fired him! The J. P. Morgan branch manager testified that there was more to the firing than the laundry list of reasons in his recommendation: 

… So a lot of the other things that are listed here are what you include because you need to – when you terminate someone, you need to include anything that’s pending. You know, we gave him a policy reminder on this. We gave him this, we gave him — and, yes, there was this letter from the State of Oklahoma. But this isn’t fair to describe them all as the contributing factors.

The far and away number one contributing factor is his admission to me that he didn’t, in fact, speak to clients on every trade.

  1. And his admission to you that he lied to you then, right?
  2. ExactlyAnd that’s when I suggested that the only way to move forward was termination.
  3. Because you couldn’t trust Ed Turley to tell you the truth anymore, could you?
  4. Exactly.

Mr. Turley was one of J.P. Morgan’s biggest producers of retail revenues at the firm. The recommendation for Turley’s termination had to be approved at the highest level. Given the fact that Turley had been tapped with the title of Vice-Chairman and a frequent guest at Jamie Dimon’s lunch table, it is very likely Mr. Dimon needed to bless the termination for the same reasons Claimants filed their claims against J.P. Morgan in this arbitration. 

Claimants Are Seeking $55 Million In Compensatory Damages

Respondent’s alleged misrepresentations, omissions, breaches of fiduciary duty, negligence, gross negligence, breaches of contract, and other misconduct had devastating consequences for Claimants.

Accordingly, Claimants are requesting an award of compensatory damages in accordance with the “Benefit-of-the-Bargain” measure of damages from October 1, 2019 in the amount of $55,615,696.00, statutory interest (at the rate of 5% per annum), and punitive damages (treble compensatory damages), and attorney’s fees and costs as will be proven at the final arbitration hearing.

To date, there have been 5 arbitration claims filed for Turley’s alleged misconduct which have resulted in Arbitration Awards or Settlements of $4 million, $12.1 million, $8.2 million, $6.1 million, and $5 million so far. There are 3 pending claims for the same type of alleged misconduct.

Free Initial Consultation With Securities, Commodities and Investment Dispute Lawyers Serving Investors Nationwide

The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. understands what is at stake in securities and commodities law matters and investment disputes, particularly disputes with J.P. Morgan involving Edward Turley, and works tirelessly to secure the best possible result for you and your case.

Our securities fraud lawyers can provide a complete case review, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and fully explains all your legal options. Our entire law firm will work to ensure that you completely understand the ins and outs of the legal process to give you complete peace of mind knowing that you have chosen the best possible representation for your case.

We also published an article on Ed Turley back on December 31, 2021. You can read that article below.

J.P. Morgan Sued for Edward Turley’s Alleged Misconduct

J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC (“J.P. Morgan”) employed San Francisco Financial Advisor Edward Turley (“Mr. Turley”) is being sued for his alleged stockbroker fraud and stockbroker misconduct involving a highly speculative trading investment strategy in highly leveraged margin accounts.

We represent a family (the “Claimants”) in the Southwest who built a successful manufacturing business and entrusted their savings to J.P. Morgan and its financial advisor to manage by investing in “solid companies” and in a “careful” manner.

At the outset, it is important for our readers to know that our clients’ allegations have not yet been proven. We are providing information about our clients’ allegations and seeking information from other investors who did business with J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley and had similar investments, a similar investment strategy, and a similar bad experience to help us win our clients’ case.


This case is about alleged misrepresentations and misleading statements relating to investments and an investment strategy that were not only allegedly unsuitable for the Claimants but allegedly mismanaged by J.P. Morgan investment advisor and stockbroker, Mr. Turley. 

It was misrepresented, in writing, the investment strategy only involved “solid companies with good income producing securities.”

Later, it was misrepresented, in writing, that Mr. Turley would only “carefully add leverage to the accounts to enhance returns.”

Notwithstanding the representations, Mr. Turley took control of Claimants’ accounts and engaged in a speculative, over-leveraged fixed income investment strategy involving excessive trading of high yield “junk” bonds, foreign bonds, preferred stocks, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), master limited partnerships (“MLPs”), and foreign currencies.

In June 2019, Mr. Turley recklessly increased the risks (market, over-concentration, interest rate, leverage, commodities, and foreign currency) to which Claimants and their accounts were allegedly exposed. The family’s portfolio became even more over-concentrated in the financial and energy sectors under Mr. Turley’s control. He made a multi-million dollar investment in unregistered Nine Energy Senior Notes rated by S&P B- (speculative) in Claimants’ accounts. Mr. Turley also allegedly turned over the fixed income assets with new investments in “new issue” preferred stocks underwritten by J.P. Morgan, for which he allegedly received “seller concessions” paid at a much higher percentage than regular commissions on other securities transactions. 

Over the next six months, the margin balances increased by millions of dollars, and the Claimants’ accounts became ticking time bombs ready to explode at any moment. Indeed, they did explode in March 2020 when the market collapsed and Claimants realized substantial losses in their accounts.


Our clients live on a ranch in a remote area in northern Texas. They regularly commute by private airplane to work and elsewhere for business and pleasure. One of our clients is a member of the Citation Jet Pilot Owners Association (“CJP”), an organization of many wealthy business people who own Citation jets. This organization holds its meetings throughout the country. It so happened that Mr. Turley was also a member of the CJP.

In the summer of 2016, our clients were successfully solicited at their ranch in Texas to allow J.P. Morgan to manage their investment portfolio. At that ranch meeting, a J.P. Morgan investment advisor described an investment strategy that Mr. Turley managed for all of their biggest and best clients. According to the J.P. Morgan advisor, he would conservatively manage a fixed-income strategy that included investments in corporate bonds, notes, and preferred stocks.

At that meeting and repeatedly thereafter, the J.P. Morgan advisor told our clients that Mr. Turley only invested in “solid companies with good income producing securities.” The J.P. Morgan advisor boasted that Mr. Turley and he were first in line for the best investment opportunities at J.P. Morgan because of their status at the firm.

Our clients were impressed by the J.P. Morgan advisor and especially by what he told him about Mr. Turley. He appeared to share our clients’ passion for aviation and the CJP and, more importantly, their religious beliefs.

They agreed to transfer one-half of the investment portfolio to J.P. Morgan under Mr. Turley’s stewardship. The other half was managed by a UBS Financial Services, Inc. (“UBS”) financial advisor.

All of the investments in the Claimants’ accounts were executed by Mr. Turley’s use of “de facto” discretion. None of the Claimants ever executed any documents giving Mr. Turley or any other person at J.P Morgan written discretionary authority over the Claimants’ accounts. 

By the spring of 2017, Mr. Turley had fully invested Claimants’ accounts, so they injected leverage into their speculative investment strategy to make more commissions. The J.P. Morgan advisor allegedly told our clients they also “carefully” managed a fixed-income strategy that would profit primarily from the difference in the high interest paid on corporate bonds, notes, and preferred stocks and the low margin interest rates.

The J.P. Morgan advisor allegedly assured Claimants that the strategy was safe and was used all of the time by banks and institutional and other wealthy clients to make money when interest rates were low to take advantage of the spread in interest rates.

In fact, at that time, the J.P. Morgan advisor misrepresented, in writing, that “we will keep pursuing solid companies with good income producing securities and we will continue to carefully add leverage to the accounts to enhance returns.” To the contrary, the J.P. Morgan advisor and Mr. Turley quickly and recklessly ratcheted up the margin balances to over $7.1 million by the end of August 2017.

It appears that none of these representations were true. The Claimants’ accounts and, on information and belief, other investors’ accounts were filled to the brim with speculative, non-investment grade, or non-rated securities. It is clear that the J.P. Morgan advisor and Mr. Turley recklessly exposed not just Claimants to leverage but other clients as well. And not only did they employ margin, but they also added a layer of complexity and risk to those margin accounts – foreign currency transactions beginning in November 2018! 

Mr. Turley’s investment strategy was unsuitable and clearly not in the “best interest” of our clients. Rather, it was only in the “best interest” of J.P. Morgan and its employees who generated large commissions by excessively trading and excessively leveraging Claimants’ accounts.

By end of March 2019, Mr. Turley not only took sole control of Claimants’ accounts but traded them as if they were his own speculative accounts. Mr. Turley was not satisfied with only half of the investable assets the family had at J.P. Morgan; he wanted their entire portfolio. When Mr. Turley learned that the UBS financial advisor was leaving UBS to form his own investment advisory firm, he persuaded Claimants to move the rest of the family savings to J.P. Morgan. Mr. Turley claimed he could manage the assets better and for less money than the “other guy.” But Mr. Turley said nothing about what he planned to do with those assets once they were received or the “conflicts of interest” that were about to materialize at J.P. Morgan in the management of Claimants’ accounts.

In June 2019, the assets from the Claimants’ UBS accounts were received by J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley immediately liquidated the majority of the assets of the well-diversified UBS portfolio. Mr. Turley sold approximately $12 million of the securities transferred and held in Claimants’ accounts in the last week of that month with no reasonable basis for selling other than to generate commissions. He immediately started purchasing highly speculative securities in not so “solid companies,” including $4.2 million of unregistered Nine Energy Senior Notes rated by S&P at B-; i.e., they were speculative grade or “junk” when they were purchased. 

In the next few months, Mr. Turley allegedly went shopping again and bought more of the speculative Nine Energy Notes and more speculative grade securities that J.P. Morgan was selling as a member of syndicates. Mr. Turley was allegedly compensated at much higher commission rates when he sold those new issue bonds, notes, and preferred stocks than he could receive trading securities in the secondary market. On top of this, Mr. Turley allegedly increased the leverage through even more foreign currency transactions.

By the end of September 2019, Mr. Turley had purchased another $2 million of Nine Energy Senior Notes and held a total of more than $6.2 million of the speculative Nine Energy Senior Notes in Claimants’ accounts. He purchased more than $13.8 million in various speculative bonds, notes, and preferred stocks with the sales proceeds between July and September 2019. Thereafter, Mr. Turley allegedly continued to flip securities in the Claimants’ accounts that fall and winter like they were pancakes on a hot griddle.

Mr. Turley allegedly executed almost all of the investments in the Claimants’ accounts by his use of “de facto” discretion because, on information and belief, none of the Claimants ever executed any documents giving him or any other person at J.P Morgan written discretionary authority over the Claimants’ accounts. The few transactions which Mr. Turley did not exercise discretion were allegedly “solicited” by him. Once again, the Claimants’ representatives did not think this was unusual because they had a special relationship with Mr. Turley in whom they placed their trust and confidence to manage their accounts as their investment advisor and portfolio manager.

By the end of 2019, Mr. Turley had packed Claimants’ accounts tight with speculative securities on margin – like dynamite in a barrel with a short fuse and ready to explode. The combined value of the securities held in the Claimants’ accounts was over $34 million and the margin balances were over $15 million. The accounts were not only over-leveraged, but these accounts were over-concentrated in securities of Mr. Turley’s selection in just a few sectors: Financial $21.4 million (80.7%); Energy $8.7 million (32.9%); Industrial $4.3 million (16.4%); Consumer/Cyclical $3.3 million; and others $1.8 million. The Claimants’ holdings were not investments in “solid companies with good income producing securities” as had been represented all along to the Claimants; only 27% were investment grade; 50.1% were speculative grade or “junk”; and 22.9% were not even rated! It was only a matter of time before the fuse was lit and the Claimants’ accounts exploded.

The Claimants’ accounts blew up in March 2020 after the market suffered a massive selloff due to COVID-19 concerns. The financial and energy sectors in which Mr. Turley allegedly over-concentrated Claimants’ over-leveraged accounts were crushed. For example, according to the J.P. Morgan account statements, the $6.2 million of the Nine Energy Senior Notes themselves dropped 75% in market value, and there was no assurance the notes could be sold at that matrix derived price. It appears that Mr. Turley sold over $12 million of the securities held in Claimants’ accounts during the last week of that month and realized over $5.1 million in losses. 

In July 2020, the Claimants had enough of J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley’s alleged lies, broken promises, and other misconduct. They all closed their accounts and left Mr. Turley and J.P. Morgan in July 2020 with over $12.7 million in capital losses; over $8.2 million in net-out-of-pocket losses; and over $11.3 million to $16.1 million market adjusted losses when measured against the Vanguard Total Bond Fund and Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund indices, respectively.


The Claimants have alleged that J.P. Morgan violated, aided and abetted, and/or is vicariously liable for its employees’ and agents’ violations of Section 12 of the Securities Act of 1933; Tex.Rev.Cir.Stat.Art. 581-33; 71 Okl. St. §1-509; and violations of the FINRA Code of Conduct in breach of its contracts with FINRA and Claimants. J.P. Morgan and its representatives’ alleged misconduct and other acts and omissions also constituted common law fraud, constructive fraud, negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, negligent management, negligent supervision, and fraudulent concealment.

We need your help in proving a pattern of alleged misrepresentations, misleading statements, and unsuitable recommendations by J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley to induce clients, particularly other members of the Citation Jet Pilot Owners Association, to manage their accounts. If you have heard similar representations, received similar recommendations, or had a similar experience with J.P. Morgan and Mr. Turley, please call our office.


The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. understands what is at stake in securities and commodities law matters and investment disputes, an

Mr. Pearce provides a complete case review, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and fully explains all of your legal options.

The entire law firm works to ensure that you completely understand the ins and outs of the legal process to give you complete peace of mind knowing that you have chosen the best possible representation for your case.

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Robert Wayne Pearce

Robert Wayne Pearce of The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. has been a trial attorney for more than 40 years and has helped recover over $170 million dollars for his clients. During that time, he developed a well-respected and highly accomplished legal career representing investors and brokers in disputes with one another and the government and industry regulators. To speak with Attorney Pearce, call (800) 732-2889 or Contact Us online for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION with Attorney Pearce about your case.

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