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LPL Financial, LLC (CRD#:6413) has many different complaints filed by FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), state regulatory organizations, and investors such as yourself. At the Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, we have investigated various different LPL Financial Complaints and have also represented investors with claims of fraud, negligence, and breach of fiduciary duty against this organization and its financial advisors.

If you believe you have a claim against LPL Financial, you should strongly consider hiring an investment loss lawyer. You should not wait until it’s too late to file a claim. The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A., offers free consultations. Give us a call at 800-732-2889. Let’s discuss your case and see what we can do to help you get the compensation you need and deserve.

Can I Sue LPL Financial?

If you’ve lost money caused by LPL  Financial and/or its employees’ misconduct then the answer is, YES, you can sue  LPL  Financial, but the odds are you signed away your right to sue in court and agreed to resolve your dispute in a FINRA arbitration proceeding.  Attorney Robert Wayne Pearce has over 40 years of personal experience in FINRA arbitration proceedings and knows very well how you can not only sue LPL Financial in FINRA arbitration proceedings, but WIN that arbitration.

Investment Losses? We Can Help

Discuss your legal options with an attorney at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A.

Get A Free Consultation

or, give us a ring at (800) 732-2889.

Robert Pearce

What is LPL Financial?

The genesis of LPL Financial, LLC (“LPL  Financial”) (CRD#:6413)  was two financial institutions: an investment advisory firm, Linsco, and a broker-dealer, Private Ledger.  In 1989, the two merged as Linsco/Private Ledger. Since then there have been several name changes and restructuring of the LPL brand and its 17 finance and insurance affiliated businesses. The company is controlled by LPL Financial Holdings LLC and headquartered in Fort Mill, South Carolina with large corporate offices in Boston, Massachusetts; Austin, Texas; and San Diego, California.  Its independent broker-dealer Business Model has grown through acquisition and organic development of primarily one and two person registered representative offices supervised remotely. Today there are over 13,000 LPL Financial branch offices with over 21,500 registered representatives in every state.  It is now the largest broker-dealer and investment advisory firm in the United States.

LPL Financial has Many Different Regulatory Problems 

LPL Financial’s rapid growth has not been without consequences. There have been approximately 180 Federal, state and self-regulatory body disclosure events; that is, 180 final and formal proceedings initiated by a regulatory authority (e.g., a state or federal securities agency like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or self-regulatory body like the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) ) for a violation(s) of investment-related rules or regulations. In addition, there have been hundreds, if not, thousands of customer complaints filed against LPL Financial for misconduct by its securities sales and investment advisory representatives that are not reported by the firm on its Central Depository Record. 

We have reported and written about these regulatory problems and customer complaints over many years. LPL Financial is a repeat offender: there are over 20 FINRA reported disciplinary proceedings citing the firm with one form of supervisory lapses or another in the last decade.

A Brief Overview of Some of the Regulatory Problems LPL Financial has Faced Over the Years*

LPL Financial has been repeatedly censured, warned, and fined over $100 million for its own misconduct and failure to supervise its army of financial advisors. A few of the notable FINRA Sanctions for its Supervisory Failure are below:

Fined $6.3 Million for Alleged Widespread Supervisory Failures

Brief Overview: FINRA censured and ordered LPL Financial to pay $6.3 million for failures related to sales charge waivers. LPL Financial submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC) to FINRA for the alleged widespread supervisory failures.

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Fined $11.7 Million for Failing to Maintain a Proper Supervisory System With Respect to the Sales of Complex Investment Products

Brief Overview: LPL Financial was fined $11.7 million by FINRA for failing to maintain a proper supervisory system with respect to the sales of complex investment products, such as exchange-traded funds, variable annuities, mutual funds, and non-traded real estate investment trusts.

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Fined $10 Million for Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System and Procedures Reasonably Designed to Supervise its Rapid Growth of its Independent Broker Enterprise

Brief Overview: Beginning in 2007, LPL Financial Holdings, Inc.. pursued a strategy of significantly increasing the size of its wholly-owned broker-dealer subsidiary, LPL Financial. This strategy included acquiring numerous financial services firms, consolidating them with LPL Financial and recruiting registered representatives from other broker-dealers. From 2007 to 2013, the number of registered representatives grew from approximately 8,322 to 17,601 and the Firm’s revenues grew from approximately $2.28 billion for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 to approximately $4.05 billion for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. LPL Financial, however did not accompany this rapid growth with a concomitant dedication of its resources to permit the Firm to meet its supervisory obligations. As a result, LPL Financial failed to have adequate systems and procedures in place to supervise certain aspects of its business, including: sales of particular complex products (exchange traded funds, variable annuities, non-traded real estate investment trusts), the review of trades and delivery of trade confirmations. As a result. LPL Financial violated numerous federal securities laws and FINRA and MSRB rules. 

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Fined $6.5 Million Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System Reasonably Designed to Comply With Its Record-Keeping Obligations

Brief Overview: LPL Financial was censured and fined $6.5 million for failing to establish and maintain a supervisory system reasonably designed to comply with its record-keeping obligations. It failed to maintain over 1.5 million customer communications concerning mutual fund switches, and customer investment objectives. Failed to store over 87 million required records in a non-re-rideable, non-erasable format which meant they were vulnerable to edits by unscrupulous advisors and managers. It failed to send out over 1,000,000 36 month customer investment objective update letters designed to make sure that a broker’s recommendations were consistent with those objectives. Failed to fingerprint financial advisors and permitted statutorily disqualified persons with criminal convictions to continue to work as financial advisors with the firm. Failed to supervise the preparation and retention of consolidated reports which enabled financial advisors to create and disseminate false reports to their customers. 

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Fined $10 Million for Anti-Money Laundering Supervisory Failures

Brief Overview: LPL Financial was censured and fined $10 million for anti-money laundering supervisory failures. As a result of AML program and supervisory failures, the Firm failed to file with the government and with FINRA information critical to the protection of investors and the public. First, as a result of its unreasonably designed AML program, the Firm failed to investigate certain attempts to gain unauthorized access to electronic systems and potential illegal activity carried out by electronic systems (collectively “cyber related events”) that should have resulted in the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”). Second, the Firm failed to file or amend Forms U4 or US to report certain customer complaints. Specifically, the Firm too narrowly interpreted the requirement that a complaint contain “a claim for compensatory damages of $5,000 or more.” The Firm also failed to amend in a timely manner its registered representatives’ Forms U4 and U5 to disclose customer complaints and other reportable events, including judgments, bankruptcies, terminations, and regulatory and criminal actions. 

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Fined $6.5 Million for Failing to Create Records of What It Had Sent to Customers, And Failing to Send Over 1.6 Million Account Notices Required Under Rule 17a-3(a)(17) Of the Exchange Act

Brief Overview: From 2009 to the present, LPL Financial failed to send, and to create records that it had sent to customers, more than 1.6 million account notices required under Rule 17a-3(a)(17) of the Exchange Act. The Exchange Act rule requires these account notices be sent to customers at 36-month intervals for each account in which a suitability determination had been made. Over this seven-year period, LPL Financialfailed to send over 25 percent of the required notices. As a result, LPL Financial violated Rule 17a-3(a)(17), NASD Rules 3110 and FINRA Rules 4511 and 2010: 

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Fined $6.5 Million for Failing to Maintain Over 18.3 Million Electronic Communications in Non-Erasable and No-Rewritable WORM Format, Retain Check Registers, and Failed to Have an Adequate Supervisory Process Concerning Worm Compliance

Brief Overview: From December 23,2010 to November 17, 2015, LPL Financial failed to maintain over 18.3 million electronic communications in non-erasable and no-rewritable format, known as WORM format, as required by Section 17(a) of the Exchange Act, Rule 17a-4(f) thereunder, NASD Rule 3110 and FINRA Rule 4511. WORM stands for “write once, read many,” and is intended to prevent the alteration or destruction of broker-dealer records maintained on electronic storage media. Additionally, from January 1, 2010 to June 24, 2016, the Firm failed to retain in WORM format approximately 231 check registers. Finally, LPL Financial’s written supervisory procedures failed to have an adequate supervisory process concerning WORM compliance, in violation of NASD Rule 3010 and FINRA Rule 3110. 

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Ordered to Pay $5.72 Million for Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System and Procedures Reasonably Designed to Ensure That Eligible Customers Who Purchased Mutual Fund Shares Received the Benefit of Applicable Sales Charge Waivers

Brief Overview: Since at least July 1, 2009, LPL Financial has disadvantaged certain retirement plan and charitable organization customers who were eligible to purchase Class A shares in certain mutual funds without a front-end sales charge (“Eligible Customers”). These Eligible Customers were instead sold Class A shares with a front-end sales charge or Class B or C shares with back-end sales charges and higher ongoing fees and expenses. During this period, LPL Financial has failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that Eligible Customers who purchased mutual fund shares received the benefit of applicable sales charge waivers. As a result, LPL Financial violated NASD Conduct Rule 3010 (for misconduct before December 1, 2014) and FINRA Rules 3110 (for misconduct on or after December 1, 2014) and 2010. 

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Fined $7.5 Million for Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System and Procedures Reasonably Designed to Supervise Electronic Communications

Brief Overview: From 2007 to 2013, LPL Financial’s email review and retention systems failed repeatedly, leaving the firm unable to meet its obligations to supervise its representatives and respond to regulatory requests. The firm was aware of these pervasive failures and the overwhelming complexity of its email system, but never took adequate remedial measures to address these shortcomings or simplify its email system. As a consequence, the firm suffered at least 35 significant failures that prevented it, at various points in time, from accessing hundreds of millions of emails and reviewing tens of millions of emails. In July 2011, in response to a request from FINRA staff for more information about this significant email issue, LPL submitted a letter and chronology that inaccurately stated that the issue had been discovered in June 2011 even though certain LPL Financial personnel had information that would have led to the discovery of the issue as early as 2008. Moreover, the letter stated that there were no red flags suggesting any issues with email accounts. In fact, there were numerous red flags related to the supervision of emails that were known to many LPL Financial employees years prior to the firm’s Rule 4530 report. 

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Censured and Fined for Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System and Procedures Reasonably Designed to Ensure Delivery of Prospectuses

Brief Overview: From January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011, LPL Financial failed to implement and maintain adequate supervisory systems and procedures to monitor and ensure the timely delivery of mutual fund prospectuses, as required by Section 5(b)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”). This failure violated NASD Conduct Rule 3010(a)(1) and (b)(1), which also constitutes a violation of FINRA Rule 

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Censured and Fined for Failing to Establish and Maintain a Supervisory System and Procedures Reasonably Designed to Supervise the Offer and Sale of Alternative Investments

Brief Overview: Between January 1, 2008 and July 1, 2012, LPL Financial violatedNASD Rule 3010(a) and 3010(b), NASD Rule 2110 and FINRA Rule 2010 by failing to implement an adequate supervisory system for the sale of alternative investments that was reasonably designed to achieve compliance with NASD Rule 2310, and state suitability requirements. Specifically, the LPL Financial failed to have a reasonable supervisory system and procedures to identify and determine whether purchases of non-traded real estate investment trusts, oil and gas partnerships, business development companies , equipment leasing programs, real estate limited partnerships, hedge funds, managed futures and any other illiquid pass-through investments (collectively, Alternative Investments) caused a customer’s accounts to be unsuitably concentrated in violation of FINRA suitability standards. 

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Censured and Fined for Failing to Reasonably Supervise the Sale of Certain Brokered Certificates of Deposit

Brief Overview: From January 2010 through at least December 2016 (the “Relevant Period”), LPL Financial failed to reasonably supervise the sale of certain brokered certificates of deposit (“Brokered CDs”), which the firm characterized as non-security CDs because they were FDIC insured instruments. In particular, LPL Financial failed to ensure that (1) its registered representatives were trained on all material risks and features of Brokered CDs and (2) LPL Financial failed to adequately disclose all material risks and features of Brokered CDs to customers. By virtue of the foregoing, LPL violated NASD Rule 3010(a), and. FINRA Rules 3110(a) and 2010. 

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*Above are only some of the regulatory disciplinary actions filed against LPL Financial by FINRA. NASSA and other state securities regulator investigations and enforcement actions account for another 160 BrokerCheck disclosures.

LPL Financial Customer Complaints

There have been hundreds, if not thousands of customer complaints filed against LPL Financial stockbrokers over the years. We have launched many investigations of current and former LPL Financial advisors:

  1. Gregory Gann of LPL Financial LLC
  2. Wesley Sorensen of Principal Securities, Inc.
  3. Robert Micone of LPL Financial LLC
  4. Steven Skipper of LPL Financial LLC
  5. Nicholas Travascio of LPL Financial LLC
  6. Denis Drummey of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
  7. Christopher Tuck of LPL Financial LLC
  8. Wayne Wagner of Securities America, Inc
  9. Emmett Johnson of LPL Financial, LLC
  10. Jonathan Upton of LPL Financial LLC
  11. Harold Collins of LPL Financial
  12. Brian Bjerke of LPL Financial LLC
  13. Jeffrey Armstrong of LPL Financial, LLC
  14. Daniel Ascani of LPL Financial, LLC
  15. Charles Darrow of American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc.
  16. Chandrakumar Rajaratnam of LPL Financial LLC
  17. Carlos Salazar of LPL Financial LLC
  18. Adam Lunceford of LPL Financial LLC
  19. Archibald Mcmichael of Lifemark Securities
  20. Anida Venniro of LPL Financial
  21. Wesley Foltz of Prospera Financial Services
  22. Craig Snyder of LPL Financial, LLC
  23. Janet Broyles of LPL Financial LLC
  24. Harry Barth of Crown Capital Securities L.P.
  25. Harvey Berk of Kestra Investment Services
  26. Guy Harrigan of Lion Street Financial
  27. George Byykkonen of LPL Financial LLC
  28. George Ly of LPL Financial LLC
  29. Galen Kopman of Centaurus Financial
  30. Ekua Anyanful of LPL Financial LLC
  31. Daniel Dillard of Union Capital Company
  32. Danielle Stanton of LPL Financial, LLC
  33. Thomas Dilello of LPL Financial LLC
  34. Scott Doll of LPL Financial LLC
  35. James Farmer of LPL Financial LLC
  36. Steven Feiertag of LPL Financial LLC
  37. James Hunt of APW Capital
  38. James Zegers of LPL Financial
  39. Robin Blackman of IFP Securities, LLC
  40. Peter Albano of LPL Financial
  41. Alan Bratic of LPL Financial LLC
  42. Andrew Roybal of LPL Financial LLC
  43. Anthony Ragusa of LPL Financial LLC
  44. Bradley Barnett of LPL Financial LLC
  45. Brandon Williams of LPL Financial LLC
  46. Brian Singleton of LPL Financial LLC
  47. Brian Gaffney of LPL Financial LLC
  48. Brian Slade of LPL Financial LLC
  49. Brian Bates of LPL Financial LLC
  50. James Thomas Booth Formerly With LPL Financial
  51. Kevin C. Fretz of LPL Financial, LLC
  52. Jonathan D. Freeze of Fortune Financial Services, Inc
  53. Donald Woods of Thurston Spring Financial
  54. Jason Woods of Thurston, Springer, Miller, Herd & Titak, Inc
  55. David Melilli of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc
  56. Bret Hartman of LPL Financial, LLC
  57. Jeremy Darstek of Ameriprise Financial Services
  58. Patrick Devlin of LPL Financial
  59. Kirk Balin of LPL Financial
  60. Francis Draa Formerly With LPL Financial
  61. Bret Edensword of LPL Financial
  62. Robert Fross of LPL Financial
  63. Lee Goodin of LPL Financial
  64. Bryan Gravel of LPL Financial
  65. Benjamin Haas of LPL Financial
  66. Kevin Kraft of LPL Financial
  67. Shawn Layton of LPL Financial
  68. Seth Leishman of LPL Financial
  69. Evan Lunsford of LPL Financial
  70. Joseph Malboeuf of LPL Financial
  71. Glenn Livingston of LPL Financial
  72. David Lockman Formerly With The Huntington Investment
  73. Leonard Rickey Formerly With LPL Financial
  74. Paul Scott Formerly With LPL Financial
  75. Bryan Shevak of LPL Financial
  76. Carol Tartaglia Formerly With LPL Financial
  77. David Waters of Cetera Advisors
  78. John Horseman of LPL Financial
  79. Thomas Hunt of LPL Financial
  80. Christopher Zelesnick of Allstate Financial Services
  81. Ted Albrecht Of LPL Financial
  82. William Baumberger of LPL Financial
  83. John Broughton of Citizens Securities
  84. Matthew Brown of LPL Financial
  85. Art Cardenas of LPL Financial
  86. Steven Case of LPL Financial
  87. Christopher Cavallaro of LPL Financial
  88. Alberto Cavazos of LPL Financial
  89. Steven Champagne of LPL Financial
  90. Luann Chapmangatts of Securities America
  91. Gary Meagher of LPL Financial
  92. Michael Meehan of LPL Financial
  93. Anthony Coyne of LPL Financial
  94. Allen Ostrofe of LPL Financial
  95. William Powell of USA Financial Securities
  96. Lawrence Potomac of LPL Financial
  97. Jonathan Cummings of LPL Financial
  98. Jane Everingham Formerly With LPL Financial
  99. James Gibson of Cetera Advisors
  100. Steven Dean of LPL Financial
  101. Michael David of Cetera Advisor Networks
  102. James Kidwell of LPL Financial
  103. Thomas Griffiths of LPL Financial
  104. John Dixon of Independent Financial Group
  105. James Helfinstine of LPL Financial
  106. Gregory Henning of LPL Financial
  107. Kevin Houser of Ameriprise Financial Services
  108. Richard Jackman of Crown Capital Securities
  109. Scott Klor formerly with LPL Financial
  110. Peter Knittle of American Portfolios Financial Services
  111. William Knudsen of LPL Financial
  112. Charles Larocca of LPL Financial
  113. Margaret Logue of LPL Financial
  114. Stacee Love-Malcolm of LPL Financial
  115. Jimmy Maldonado of LPL Financial
  116. Thomas Munker of Client One Securities
  117. Thomas McCusker of LPL Financial
  118. Jeffrey McMahon of LPL Financial
  119. Randy Peyman of LPL Financial
  120. Joffre Salazar Formerly With American Portfolios Financial Services
  121. Richard Sall of LPL Financial
  122. William Saplicki of LPL Financial
  123. Erich Raasch of LPL Financial
  124. Andrew Quinn of LPL Financial
  125. Thomas Polito of LPL Financial
  126. Samuel Phillips of LPL Financial
  127. Darin Stevens of LPL Financial
  128. Yvonne Silguero of LPL Financial
  129. Antonio Reyna of Securities America
  130. Michael Weinand of LPL Financial
  131. Jake Warrington Formerly With LPL Financial
  132. John Welp of LPL Financial
  133. James Zegers formerly with LPL Financial
  134. Jason Anderson formerly with Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith
  135. Joel Arivett of Arvest Wealth Management
  136. Lawrence Avery of LPL Financial
  137. Patrick Boland of LPL Financial
  138. Jason Boley of LPL Financial
  139. Keri Blake of LPL Financial
  140. Christopher Burtraw formerly with J.P. Turner & Company
  141. Justin Byrd of LPL Financial
  142. Johnny Ceballos of LPL Financial
  143. James Chiaro of LPL Financial
  144. David Columb Formerly With LPL Financial
  145. Chase Crump of Private Client Services
  146. Andrew Wesner of LPL Financial LLC
  147. Cheryl Brown of LPL Financial LLC
  148. Cheryl Marquez of LPL Financial LLC
  149. Christopher Watts of LPL Financial LLC
  150. Christopher Riggs of LPL Financial LLC
  151. Alex Gutierrez Of LPL Financial LLC
  152. Andy Schwartz of LPL Financial LLC
  153. Joel Arivett of Arvest Wealth Management
  154. Bradley Hill of LPL Financial LLC
  155. Brent Jackson of LPL Financial LLC
  156. Burton Apfelbaum of LPL Financial LLC
  157. Alfred Amato of LPL Financial LLC
  158. Alan Fryman of Peak Brokerage Services, LLC
  159. Cesar Macedo of LPL Financial LLC
  160. Charles Salfity of LPL Financial LLC
  161. Andrew Dittberner of LPL Financial LLC
  162. Christopher Black formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  163. Christopher Hargis of LPL Financial LLC
  164. Chun Zhu of LPL Financial LLC
  165. Cole Mills of LPL Financial LLC
  166. Dain Stokes formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  167. Daniel Kew of Cetera Investment Services LLC
  168. Daniel Zimmerman of LPL Financial LLC
  169. Daniel Abraham of LPL Financial LLC
  170. David Roberson of LPL Financial LLP
  171. David Venegas of LPL Financial LLC
  172. David Nastri of LPL Financial LLC
  173. David Givnish of LPL Financial LLC?
  174. David Lademan formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  175. Dawn West of LPL Financial LLC
  176. Diane Hutchings formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  177. Dominic Debruin formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  178. Dominick Greco formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  179. Don Rudolph formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  180. Donald Coffin of LPL Financial
  181. Donovan Ehrman of LPL Financial LLC
  182. Douglas Allen of LPL Financial LLC
  183. Edward Miller of LPL Financial LLC
  184. Edwin Egger of LPL Financial LLC
  185. Edward Bacher of LPL Financial LLC
  186. Eric Brown formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  187. Ernest Renner of LPL Financial LLC
  188. Eugene Yelverton of LPL Financial LLC
  189. Frank Orlando Of LPL Financial LLC
  190. Frederick Guist of LPL Financial LLC
  191. Gary Barney of LPL Financial LLC
  192. Gary Stanislawski of LPL Financial LLC
  193. George Jameson formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  194. Gleason Swassing III formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  195. Gregory Shoemaker of LPL Financial LLC
  196. Gregory Kearney of LPL Financial LLC
  197. Guillermo Gastelum of LPL Financial LLC
  198. Ian Baker of LPL Financial LLC
  199. Ilan Tsapovski of LPL Financial LLC
  200. Jack Biedebach of LPL Financial LLC
  201. James Wagner of LPL Financial LLC
  202. James Couture LPL Financial LLC
  203. Jeanann Kramer of LPL Financial LLC
  204. Joe Franklin formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  205. John Stubbs formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  206. John Milo of LPL Financial LLC
  207. Jonathan Bridges of LPL Financial LLC
  208. John Pelletier of LPL Financial LLC
  209. John Simone, Sr. of LPL Financial LLC
  210. Joseph Altic of LPL Financial LLC
  211. Joseph Pearce of LPL Financial LLC
  212. Julius Pappas of LPL Financial LLC
  213. Karen Briggs formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  214. Keith Laterrade of LPL Financial LLC
  215. Kenneth Klein of LPL Financial LLC
  216. Kenneth Christie of LPL Financial LLC
  217. Kevin McCallum formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  218. Kimberly Kennedy of LPL Financial LLC
  219. Laurence Wajsman of LPL Financial LLC
  220. Lee Nordstrom formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  221. Lester Lee, Jr. of LPL Financial LLC
  222. Marcus McGlasson of LPL Financial LLC
  223. Mark Haenny LPL Financial LLC
  224. Mark Burns of LPL Financial LLC
  225. Mark Hoover of LPL Financial LLC
  226. Mary Henry of LPL Financial LLC
  227. Maryanne Bessler LPL Financial LLC
  228. Matthew Macek formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  229. Melinda McCullough of LPL Financial LLC
  230. Merri Hall of LPL Financial LLC
  231. Michael Henschel of LPL Financial LLC
  232. Michael Mattie formerly with LPL Financial, LLC
  233. Michael Fetzner of LPL Financial LLC
  234. Michael Hatch formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  235. Michael Rainbolt of LPL Financial LLC
  236. Michael McHugh of LPL Financial LLC
  237. Michael Haley of LPL Financial LLC
  238. Nicholas Canuso of LPL Financial LLC
  239. Oscar Harrison, II of LPL Financial LLC
  240. Paul Stanislaw, Jr. formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  241. Peter Mersberger of LPL Financial LLC
  242. Peter Smith formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  243. Randy Kirkpatrick of LPL Financial LLC
  244. Raymond Velasco, Sr. formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  245. Rhett Bedwell formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  246. Richard Lieberfarb of LPL Financial LLC
  247. Robert Ryan of LPL Financial LLC
  248. Robert Cadena, Jr. of LPL Financial LLC
  249. Robert Berry formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  250. Ronald Mahorney formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  251. Ryan Purkiss of LPL Financial
  252. Samuel Izaguirre of LPL Financial LLC
  253. Scott Williams formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  254. Shannon Neal of LPL Financial LLC
  255. Shuhong Rong formerly with Cetera Investment Services LLC
  256. Stephen Franklin formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  257. Stephen Levin Corecap Investments, Inc.
  258. Steven Rose formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  259. Steven Fairchild of LPL Financial LLC
  260. Steven Farley formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  261. Teresa Owsley of LPL Financial LLC
  262. Terry Bailey of LPL Financial LLC
  263. Timothy Avila formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  264. Todd Warner formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  265. Richard DeYoung, Jr. of LPL Financial LLC
  266. Todd Slingerland of LPL Financial LLC
  267. William McDonough formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  268. Kenneth Baize of LPL Financial LLC
  269. Joseph Brittingham of LPL Financial LLC
  270. David Casparian of LPL Financial LLC
  271. Dominick Greco of LPL Financial LLC
  272. Ryan Hall of LPL Financial LLC
  273. Anthony Makransky of LPL Financial LLC
  274. Claiborne Lagrone of LPL Financial LLC
  275. Deborah Anderson formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  276. Duncan MacEachern of LPL Financial LLC
  277. Matthew Engelau of LPL Financial LLC
  278. Russell Pierce of LPL Financial LLC
  279. Michael Shonsey of Brokers International Financial Services, LLC
  280. Trent Bryson of LPL Financial LLC
  281. Christopher Watkins of Silver Oak Securities, Incorporated
  282. Chad Zitzelsberger of LPL Financial LLC
  283. Mark Zitzelsberger of LPL Financial LLC
  284. Denise Deleo of LPL Financial LLC
  285. Brenton Ditto of LPL Financial LLC
  286. Peter Evans of LPL Financial LLC
  287. Jeffrey Karp of LPL Financial LLC
  288. Rick Kent of LPL Financial LLC
  289. Stephen Kerutis of LPL Financial LLC
  290. Kristy Nicol of LPL Financial LLC
  291. Andy Rampersaud of LPL Financial LLC
  292.  Eric Schwartz of LPL Financial LLC
  293. Jason Wetsel formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  294. Robert Wright of LPL Financial LLC
  295. Robert Alkins of LPL Financial LLC
  296. Phil Andrews, II of LPL Financial LLC
  297. Christopher Cavallaro of LPL Financial LLC
  298. Gina Francisco of LPL Financial LLC
  299. Andrea Klipfel of Grove Point Investments, LLC
  300. Christopher Knutson of Aegis Capital Corp.
  301. Jerome Aron of LPL Financial LLC
  302. Douglas Coleman LPL Financial LLC
  303. Jeffrey Partridge of LPL Financial LLC
  304. John Nolt of LPL Financial LLC
  305. Thomas Koss of LPL Financial LLC
  306. Michael Kelley of LPL Financial LLC
  307. Alvaro Jiron of LPL Financial LLC
  308. Tushar Kumar formerly withLPL Financial LLC
  309. Justin May of LPL Financial LLC
  310. Christopher Fletcher of LPL Financial LLC
  311. Edward Hill of LPL Financial LLC
  312. Mark Josephs of LPL Financial LLC
  313. Jason Meiwes of LPL Financial LLC
  314. James Lesniewski of Valic Financial Advisors, Inc.
  315. Patrick Murphy of LPL Financial LLC
  316. David Robinson of LPL Financial LLC
  317. Steven Sabo of LPL Financial LLC
  318. Freddie Barbour of LPL Financial LLC
  319. Edward Dublis of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.
  320. Joseph Hobbs of Cetera Investment Networks LLC
  321. Nathan Stucky of LPL Financial LLC
  322. Vincent Richtar of LPL Financial LLC
  323. Jonathan Upton of LPL Financial LLC
  324. Barry Buchholz of LPL Financial LLC
  325. Kathleen Hansen of LPL Financial LLC
  326. Casey O’Rourke of LPL Financial LLC
  327. Michael Lindemann of LPL Financial LLC
  328. Tamara Glenn formerly with LPL Financial LLC
  329. Christopher Grano of LPL Financial LLC
  330. Kevin Loyd, Jr of LPL Financial LLC
  331. Robert Earls, Jr. of LPL Financial LLC
  332. Damon Mapes of LPL Financial LLC
  333. Daniel Nielsen of LPL Financial LLC
  334. Bradley Bowman of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  335. James Cassa of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  336. Daniel Catone of Golden State Wealth Management, LLC Reviews
  337. William Czaplewski of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  338. Donald Aulbert II of LPL Financial, LLC Reviews
  339. Bernell Baker of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  340. Mario Barone of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  341. LPL Financial LLC of LPL Financial LLC formerly Cetera Investment Advisers Reviews
  342. Teddy Ezzell, III of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  343. Jonas Everett of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  344. Christopher Clewell of LPL Financial LLC  Reviews
  345. Kyle Cryer of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  346. Douglas Johnson of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  347. Evan Kirkpatrick of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  348. Neil Kitchie of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  349. Robert McKee of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  350. Karry Maciak of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  351. Patrick Louise of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  352. Michael Lynch of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  353. Ryan Leblanc of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  354. Cain Kobert of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  355. William Smith of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  356. Sidney Schroader of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  357. Richard Rodak of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  358. Robert Eberst, Jr. Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  359. Patrick Naughton Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  360. Robert Patti Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  361. Patrick Pepper Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  362. Natasha Titova Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  363. Donald Codori of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  364. John Cobb of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  365. Richard Donatelli of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  366. Robert Grenus of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  367. Barbara Leonard of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  368. Jason Nelson of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  369. Victor Newman II of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  370. Tyson Allred of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  371. Angelo Anello of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  372. Alfonso Anguiano of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  373. Bentley Beard of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  374. Steven Bergmann of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  375. John Demertzis of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  376. Cameron Clark of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  377. John Collins of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  378. Nelisha Firestone of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  379. Chelsea Magby of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  380. Richard Hill, II of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  381. Richard Ceffalio Jr Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  382. Rainer Hohlbein Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  383. Christian Johnston of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  384. David Kujawa of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  385. Walter Less of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  386. Kyle Critcher of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  387. Ricky Whitmire Jr of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  388. Mark Sullivan of UBS Financial Services Inc. FIRED
  389. Curtis Howard Of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  390. Scott Yanker of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  391. Ronald Chronister of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  392. Douglas Nelson of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  393. Cassandra Heitz of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  394. Ross Fabregas of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  395. Randy Redd of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  396. Travis James of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  397. Mark Miller of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  398. Jason Mitsuda of Pruco Securities, LLC Reviews
  399. James Sturdivant of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Reviews
  400. James Stossel of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  401. Joanna Westcott of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  402. Dan Wagner, Jr of Arkadios Capital Reviews
  403. Paul Vanecek of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  404. Christopher Mollan of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  405. Shannon Moore of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  406. Edward Baroncini of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  407. Lawrence Greenfield Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  408. Nicholas Ignatowski Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  409. Jason Norton of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  410. Douglas English Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  411. Timothy Fraser of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  412. Brian Hinson of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  413. Margaret Draughon of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  414. Roger Given of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  415. Timothy Cleveland of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  416. Eileen Cure Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  417. Kathy Koester of LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  418. Leigh Allen of LPL Financial LLC  Reviews
  419. Cameron Clark of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  420. Feng Chen Formerly With LPL Financial LLC FIRED
  421. Christopher Robinson of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  422. Tyler Schultz of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  423. Bradley Vick of LPL Financial LLC Reviews
  424. Bartholomew Mackler of LPL Financial LLC Reviews

If you have lost money investing with any of these LPL Financial advisors or others within this brokerage firm, it’s important that you reach out to an investment loss attorney quickly because the statutes of limitations can bar your claims. Call us at 800-732-2889.

Why Does LPL Financial Have So Many Regulatory Problems And Customer Complaints?

Independent broker-dealers are notorious for their lax supervisory practices and procedures. The business model of these franchise type operations is to open many offices nationwide for steady growth of fixed monthly revenues without the costs attendant to a full-service branch office with on-site manager, compliance officer and operation personnel. The registered representatives of these independent broker-dealers generally operate as separately incorporated businesses. They are not employees of the broker-dealer and therefore not controlled in the same manner as full-service brokerage firm representatives. The registered representatives control their structure and costs to maximize profits and often leave the protection of investors’ rights and interests as their lowest priority.

The typical supervisory organization of independent broker-dealer operations is to have other independent contractors operate Offices of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJs) to monitor the registered representatives from geographically remote offices and then report to the main franchisor’s compliance office at national headquarters. The supervisors at the OSJs are not employees of the franchisor and often run their own brokerage, insurance and other businesses. They are not devoted full-time supervisors of the smaller branch offices. Consequently, OSJ managers cannot and do not supervise the day-to-day operations of the registered representatives of these Independent broker-dealers. 

Generally, there is no immediate review of new accounts opened, securities transactions, business records, cash or securities receipts and deliveries, correspondence and business activities unrelated to the securities brokerage operation at these independent brokerage firms. The lax supervision leaves investors who have transferred their accounts to the smaller independent broker-dealer vulnerable to sales of securities that have not been reviewed or authorized by anyone other than the sales representative earning a commission. There may be no one onsite to detect forgeries of clients’ signatures on documents, the placement of inaccurate information about a client’s investment objectives and financial condition to document the suitability of a particular investment recommendation. Oftentimes there is no daily review of sales literature and client correspondence to protect against misrepresentations and misleading statements being made to investors. In fact, it is not unusual for there to be only one compliance audit visit per year at many of these offices.

These Independent brokerage business operations are worrisome to the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), which has documented more instances of sales abuse and consequently investor losses at these firms than the traditional brokerage firms with branch offices with on-site managers and compliance personnel.

Did LPL Financial Advisor Misconduct Cause You Investment Losses?

When financial advisor misconduct has caused you to lose substantial value to your investment accounts, you have the right to seek reimbursement from the responsible parties. LPL Financial is responsible like any employer for its financial advisors acts and omissions. In addition, it has an independent duty to supervise its stockbrokers and investment advisors. These cases can be extremely complex, and so having the support of a reputable attorney who is experienced in recovering investment losses for investors is key to your success. Many customers make the mistake of contacting LPL Financial without representation with an attorney about their complaints and have their complaints denied.

Related Read: Can You Sue Your Brokerage Firm?

Investment Losses? We Can Help

Discuss your legal options with an attorney at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A.

Get A Free Consultation

or, give us a ring at (800) 732-2889.

Robert Pearce

Consult With An Attorney Who Recovers Investment Losses Caused By LPL Financial Today!

The securities attorneys at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A., have helped countless investors over the last 40 years recover the losses from their investment accounts that were caused by broker negligence or misconduct. The firm has extensive experience with LPL Financial cases, and Attorney Pearce is committed to seeing that those responsible for the losses you have suffered are held fully accountable.

Give us a call at 800-732-2889. Let’s discuss your case and see what we can do to help you get the compensation you need and deserve.

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Robert Wayne Pearce

Robert Wayne Pearce of The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. has been a trial attorney for more than 40 years and has helped recover over $170 million dollars for his clients. During that time, he developed a well-respected and highly accomplished legal career representing investors and brokers in disputes with one another and the government and industry regulators. To speak with Attorney Pearce, call (800) 732-2889 or Contact Us online for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION with Attorney Pearce about your case.

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