Margin Call: Definition, Triggers and How to Handle One

Increased volatility in the market can sometimes bring about uncomfortable and surprising situations for investors, especially when it comes to a margin call. You may find yourself asking when do margin calls happen and how do they work. When you buy stock on a margin, you’re essentially borrowing money from your broker to finance the purchase. While this is a strategy that can amplify your gains if the stock price goes up, it can also lead to painful losses if the stock price falls and you’re forced to sell other assets or put more money into your account to meet the margin call. In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about margin calls, including: IMPORTANT: If you have suffered significant investment losses as a result of being forced to liquidate a margin account, you should speak to an experienced securities fraud attorney about your legal options. What is a Margin Call? A margin call is a demand from your broker that you must deposit more money or securities into your margin account to cover potential losses. This typically occurs when a margin account runs low on funds, usually due to heavy losses in investments. Investment Losses? Let’s Talk. or, give us a ring at 800-732-2889. In most, but not all cases, your broker will notify you of a margin call and give you a set amount of time to deposit more funds or securities into your account. You typically will have two to five days to respond to a margin call. Timeframes for responding to a call may vary depending on your broker and the circumstances. Regardless of the time frame, it is important that you take action as soon as possible. IMPORTANT: If you aren’t able to meet the margin call fast enough or don’t have any extra funds to deposit, your broker may also force you to sell some of your securities at a loss in order to free up cash. This is known as forced liquidation. In fact, many margin account agreements allow brokerage firms to liquidate your portfolio at their discretion without notice. What Triggers a Margin Call? There are several things that can trigger a margin call, but the most common is when the value of securities in your account falls below a certain level set by your broker (house maintenance margin requirement) or securities exchange where securities are traded (exchange margin requirement). When this occurs, your broker will issue a margin call in order to protect themselves from losses and to ensure that your account has enough funds to cover potential losses. You’re then required to deposit additional funds or securities into your account to meet the call to bring your account back to the maintenance margin level. If you don’t make a deposit, your broker may sell some of your securities at a loss to cover the shortfall. Margin calls can occur at any time, but tend to occur during periods when there is high volatility in the markets. What happens when you get a margin call? A margin call is most often issued these days electronically, through your broker’s online platform. You can also receive an email or other notification from your broker informing you of the margin call and how much money you need to deposit by a certain time. What happens next depends on your broker and the situation. If your broker is not worried about the situation, they may give you some time to raise the extra funds to deposit into your account. If they are worried, they may demand that you meet the call immediately or they may even sell some of your securities to cover the shortfall if you don’t have the extra cash on hand without notice. Yes, a broker can sell your securities without your permission if you don’t have enough money in your account to meet a margin call. All of this depends upon the contract you signed when you opened your account which outlines the broker’s rights in these situations. It’s important to remember that your broker will most likely be interested in protecting their own financial interests rather than yours, so you should make sure that you understand your rights and obligations before entering into a margin agreement. Because they are not always required to give you time to meet a margin call, unless they are under contractual agreement to do so, they may not notify you before liquidating assets in your account to pay off any margin debt. If this happens, your investment portfolio may suffer significant losses. Unfortunately, even if you are in a position to meet the call, you may not be able to get your securities back if they have already been sold by your broker. When you opened up your margin account, you likely signed an agreement that gave your broker the right to sell your securities without notifying you first. This is why it’s important to understand the terms of your margin agreement before signing it. You should also be aware of the risks involved in trading on margin. MPORTANT: If your broker decides to sell your highly appreciated securities, you can be left with large deferred-tax liabilities as well as major capital gain tax expenses that must be paid in the relevant tax year. In addition, brokers can sell your securities within the margin account at an undervalued price, leaving you with even more investment losses. How long do you have to pay a margin call? The time frame for responding to a margin call can vary depending on your broker and the circumstances. Typically, brokers will allow from two to five days to meet the call. You will need to review your account agreement with your broker to be sure. Beware, most margin account agreements do not require the broker to give you any amount of time or notice before they liquidate. What happens if you cannot pay the margin call? Not meeting a margin call can have long-term consequences for...

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Negociação de Opções vs. Negociação de Margens: Os riscos e benefícios de ambos

When it comes to trading stocks and other securities, there are a few different approaches that investors can take. Two of the most popular methods are options trading and margin trading. Both of these strategies can be profitable, but they each come with their own set of risks and rewards. In this article, we’ll break down the key differences between options trading and margin trading. As an investor it is important to understand the risks and benefits of each before deciding if either of these investment strategies is right for you. What is the difference between options trading and margin trading? Margin trading offers investors a way to control a larger number of shares than they could with just their own money with the added risk that losses could be amplified. Options trading, on the other hand, provides investors to buy or sell securities at a later date for a set price and is considered to be low risk and low returns. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. Note: Trading on a margin is considered a risky investment strategy. If you have lost money due to an advisor or broker who has unsuitably recommended margin trading, you should speak to an experienced investment fraud lawyer to discuss your legal options. What is Options Trading? Options trading is a type of investing where you trade contracts that give you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price on or before a certain date. Options are typically used as a way to hedge against other investments, or to speculate on the future price of an asset. When you buy an option, you have the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at a set price. If the price of the asset goes up, you can make a profit by selling it at the higher price. If the price goes down, you simply don’t exercise your option and don’t incur any loss. There are two types of options: call options and put options. What is a call option in stocks? A call option is a contract that gives you the right to buy an security at a set price within a certain time frame. The price you will pay for the security is called the strike price. The time frame in which you can buy the security is called the expiration date. If the stock price is above the strike price when the expiration date arrives, you will exercise your option and buy the stock at the strike price. If the stock price is below the strike price, you will let the option expire and not incur any loss. What is a put option in stocks? A put option is a contract that gives you the right to sell an security at a set price within a certain time frame. If the stock price is below the strike price when the expiration date arrives, you will exercise your option and sell the stock at the strike price. If the stock price is above the strike price, you will let the option expire and not incur any loss. What are the benefits of options trading? Options trading is a relatively low-risk way to invest in stocks and other securities. Because you are not obligated to buy or sell the underlying asset, you can simply let the option expire if it is not profitable. Options trading can also be used to generate income through premiums. When you sell an option, you collect a premium from the buyer. If the option expires without being exercised, you keep the premium as profit. What are the risks of options trading? The biggest risk of options trading is that you may not correctly predict the future price of an asset. If you buy a call option and the price of the underlying asset goes down, you will lose money. If you buy a put option and the price of the underlying asset goes up, you will also lose money. In order to make money from options trading, you must correctly predict which direction the price of an asset will move. Can you sue your broker for options trading losses? Yes, you can sue your broker for options trading losses. However, it is important to understand that your broker is not obligated to make money for you. They are only required to provide you with the resources and information necessary to make informed investment decisions. If you lose money due to bad investment decisions, you cannot sue your broker. What is Margin Trading? Margin trading is when you buy or sell stocks (or other types of securities) with borrowed money. This is also sometimes called “trading on margin.” The money you borrow is called a margin loan. This means you will be going into debt in order to make an investment. Typically the loan comes from your broker, and you will repay it with interest at a later date. Buying on a margin may have a lot of appeal compared to using your own money, but it is very important to understand the risks before you do it. Margin trading is a form of leverage. Leverage is when you use something (in this case, money) to control a much larger amount of something else. Note: If the investment doesn’t make money, you will have to pay back the loan with interest regardless. This means that the investment losses can be much greater than if you had just used your own money. What are the risks of margin trading? The biggest risk of margin trading is that you may lose more money than you originally invested. When investors trading on a margin and they experience losses, they may be required to pay back more money than they originally borrowed (Margin Call). A margin call is when your broker asks you to add more money to your account because the value of your securities has fallen. If you cannot afford to pay the...

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O que é Liquidação Forçada?

If you find yourself reading this article, it’s likely because you’re going through a forced liquidation. Forced liquidation, sometimes referred to as forced selling, is the process by which an investor is forced to sell their assets, typically by a broker or financial advisor, in order to meet margin calls or repay debts. In this guide we will go over what forced liquidation is, how it works, and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation. What is Forced Liquidation? Forced liquidation, also known as forced selling, occurs when an investor is forced to sell their assets or securities, typically by a broker or financial advisor, in order to repay debts or meet margin calls. Investment Losses? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. The term “forced liquidation” usually refers to the involuntary sale of assets, but it can also refer to the situation where an investor is given a choice between selling their assets or having them sold by the broker. Forced liquidation often happens when an investor has been unable to meet a margin call or has failed to repay debts. When this occurs, the broker or exchange will take possession of the assets and sell them in order to recoup the money that is owed. How Forced Liquidation Works If you find yourself in a forced liquidation situation, it’s likely because you have failed to meet a margin call or have been unable to repay debts. When this occurs, the broker or exchange will take possession of the assets and sell them in order to recoup the money that is owed. In most cases, the assets are sold at a loss, which can be significant. Forced Selling within a Margin Account If you have a margin account, your broker may force you to sell your securities if the value of your account falls below the minimum required amount. Within a margin trading account, this is known as a margin call. Your broker or advisor will typically give you a set period of time to bring your account up to the minimum value, and if you are unable to do so, they will sell your securities to repay the debt. It’s important to note that you may not be able to control which securities are sold, and you may not be able to get the same price for them that you paid when you purchased them. Forced Selling within a Securities-Backed Lines of Credit If you have a securities-backed line of credit (“SBL”), your broker or financial advisor may force you to sell your securities if the value of your account falls below the minimum required amount. Your broker or advisor will typically give you a set period of time to bring your account up to the minimum value, and if you are unable to do so, they will sell your securities to repay the debt. It’s important to note that you may not be able to control which securities are sold, and you may not be able to get the same price for them that you paid when you purchased them. What is margin call? A margin call is a demand from a broker or exchange for an investor to deposit more money or securities into their account. Margin calls are typically made when the value of the securities in an account falls below a certain level, known as the margin requirements. If an investor fails to meet a margin call within the grace period, the broker or exchange has the right to sell the securities in the account in order to cover the shortfall. Can a Broker Liquidate an Investor’s Account without Notice? Some investors learned the hard way the true meaning of “forced liquidation” when their brokers sold their securities without much warning in order to meet margin calls. In most cases, brokers will give investors a grace period to meet margin calls, and they are not required to sell the securities in an account without notice. There can be cases where a broker may sell securities without notice (a “Blow-Out), with the investor suffering substantial investment loss, this is typically only done in the most extreme cases where there is a fear of an imminent market crash and the broker wants to protect their own interests. We have heard from many investors that when they complained to their respective brokerage firms, they were told that they signed contracts that allowed the broker-dealers to do exactly what they did to them and that they had no recourse. Without doubt, contracts with those onerous contract conditions were signed, but that does not mean that the terms of the contract are enforceable. Can You Take Legal Action After a Forced Liquidation? If you have been the victim of a forced liquidation, there may be legal action that can be taken against a broker-dealer for breach of fiduciary duty and other causes of action. You may not have recourse for the issuance of margin calls and/or forced liquidations of all or some of your securities on short notice or no notice at all, but that doesn’t mean that the broker-dealer did nothing wrong. IMPORTANT: The most important question to ask is: what happened when the securities-backed line of credit and/or margin accounts were recommended by your broker or financial advisor to be opened in the first place. Depending on the situation that led to you opening up your securities-backed line of credit and/or margin accounts, you may have legal action you can take to help recover your investment losses. In some cases, the recommendation to open the account may have been unsuitable for you. In other words, if your broker or financial advisor recommended that you open an account that was too risky for you given your investment profile, then they may be held responsible for the losses that you incurred as a result of the forced liquidation. We’ve Helped Investors Who’ve Suffered Losses Due to Forced Liquidation The securities fraud attorneys at the Law Offices of Robert Wayne...

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Linhas de crédito com garantia pode ser mais perigosa do que as contas com margem

Many investors have heard of margin accounts and the horror stories of others who invested on margin and suffered substantial losses. But few investors understand that securities-backed lines of credit (SBL) accounts, which have been aggressively promoted by brokerage firms in the last decade, are just as dangerous as margin accounts. This is largely due to the fact that the equity and bond markets have been on an upward trend since 2009 and few investors (unless you are a Puerto Rico investor) have experienced market slides resulting in margin calls due to the insufficient amount of collateral in the SBL accounts. Securities-Backed Lines of Credit Overview It is only over the last several months of market volatility that investors have begun to feel the wrath of margin calls and understand the high risks associated with investing in SBL accounts. For investors considering your stockbroker’s offer of a line of credit (a loan at a variable or fixed rate of interest) to finance a residence, a boat, or to pay taxes or for your child’s college education, you may want to read a little more about the nature, mechanics, and risks of SBL accounts before you sign the collateral account agreement and pledge away your life savings to the brokerage firm in exchange for the same loan you could have obtained from another bank without all the risk associated with SBL accounts. First, it may be helpful to understand just why SBL accounts have become so popular over the last decade. It should be no surprise that the primary reason for your stockbroker’s offering of an SBL is that both the brokerage firm and he/she make money. Over many years, the source of revenues for brokerage firms has shifted from transaction-based commissions to fee-based investments, limited partnerships, real estate investment trusts (REITs), structured products, managed accounts, and income earned from lending money to clients in SBL and margin accounts. Many more investors seem to be aware of the danger of borrowing in margin accounts for the purposes of buying and selling securities, so the brokerage firms expanded their banking activities with their banking affiliates to expand the market and their profitability in the lending arena through SBL accounts. The typical sales pitch is that SBL accounts are an easy and inexpensive way to access cash by borrowing against the assets in your investment portfolio without having to liquidate any securities you own so that you can continue to profit from your stockbroker’s supposedly successful and infallible investment strategy. Today the SBL lending business is perhaps one of the more profitable divisions at any brokerage firm and banking affiliate offering that product because the brokerage firm retains assets under management and the fees related thereto and the banking affiliate earns interest income from another market it did not otherwise have direct access to. For the benefit of the novice investor, let me explain the basics of just how an SBL account works. An SBL account allows you to borrow money using securities held in your investment accounts as collateral for the loan. The Danger of Investing in SBL Accounts Once the account is established and you received the loan proceeds, you can continue to buy and sell securities in that account, so long as the value of the securities in the account exceeds the minimum collateral requirements of the banking affiliate, which can change just like the margin requirements at a brokerage firm. Assuming you meet those collateral requirements, you only make monthly interest-only payments and the loan remains outstanding until it is repaid. You can pay down the loan balance at any time, and borrow again and pay it down, and borrow again, so long as the SBL account has sufficient collateral and you make the monthly interest-only payments in your SBL account. In fact, the monthly interest-only payments can be paid by borrowing additional money from the bank to satisfy them until you reach a credit limit or the collateral in your account becomes insufficient at your brokerage firm and its banking affiliate’s discretion. We have heard some stockbrokers describe SBLs as equivalent to home equity lines, but they are not really the same. Yes, they are similar in the sense that the amount of equity in your SBL account, like your equity in your house, is collateral for a loan, but you will not lose your house without notice or a lengthy foreclosure process. On the other hand, you can lose all of your securities in your SBL account if the market goes south and the brokerage firm along with its banking affiliate sell, without prior notice, all of the securities serving as collateral in the SBL account. You might ask how can that happen; that is, sell the securities in your SBL account, without notice? Well, when you open up an SBL account, the brokerage firm and its banking affiliate and you will execute a contract, a loan agreement that specifies the maximum amount the bank will agree to lend you in exchange for your agreement to pledge your investment account assets as collateral for the loan. You also agree in that contract that if the value of your securities declines to an amount that is no longer sufficient to secure your line of credit, you must agree to post additional collateral or repay the loan upon demand. Lines of credit are typically demand loans, meaning the banking affiliate can demand repayment in full at any time. Generally, you will receive a “maintenance call” from the brokerage firm and/or its banking affiliate notifying you that you must post additional collateral or repay the loan in 3 to 5 days or, if you are unable to do so, the brokerage firm will liquidate your securities and keep the cash necessary to satisfy the “maintenance call” or, in some cases, use the proceeds to pay off the entire loan. But I want to emphasize, the brokerage firm and its banking affiliate, under the terms of almost all SBL account agreements,...

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Investidores com Linha de Crédito "Blown-Out" e Contas de Margem "Blown-Out": Como você recupera suas perdas de investimento?

Se você está lendo este artigo, estamos supondo que teve uma experiência ruim recentemente, seja em uma linha de crédito garantida por títulos ("SBL") ou em uma conta margem que sofreu chamadas de margem e foi liquidada sem aviso prévio, fazendo com que você percebesse perdas. Normalmente, os investidores com chamadas de margem recebem 3 a 5 dias para atendê-los; e se isso acontecesse, o valor dos títulos em sua conta poderia ter aumentado dentro desse período e a firma poderia ter apagado a chamada de margem e poderia não ter liquidado sua conta. Se você for um investidor que tenha experimentado chamadas de margem no passado, e esta é sua única reclamação então, não leia mais porque quando você assinou o acordo de conta com a corretora com a qual você escolheu fazer negócios, você provavelmente deu a ela o direito de liquidar todos os títulos em sua conta a qualquer momento sem aviso prévio. Por outro lado, se você é um investidor com pouca experiência ou com uma condição financeira modesta que foi convencido a abrir uma linha de crédito de títulos sem ser avisado sobre a verdadeira natureza, mecânica e/ou riscos de abrir tal conta, então você deve nos ligar agora! Alternativamente, se você é um investidor que precisava retirar dinheiro para uma casa ou para pagar seus impostos ou educação de seus filhos, mas foi convencido a manter uma carteira de ações e/ou junk bonds de risco ou concentrada em uma conta garantida por uma linha de crédito ou uma conta margem, então provavelmente podemos ajudá-lo a recuperar suas perdas de investimento também. A chave para uma recuperação bem sucedida de sua perda de investimento é não se concentrar na liquidação dos títulos em sua conta pela corretora sem aviso prévio. Em vez disso, o foco em seu caso deve estar no que lhe foi dito e se a recomendação foi adequada para você antes de abrir a conta e sofrer a liquidação.

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UBS Financial Services, Inc. Sued for Florida e Ohio Advisor's Alleged Misconduct Involving a Credit-Line Investment Strategy

UBS Financial Services, Inc, ("UBS") empregou um consultor financeiro (o "FA") que tem escritórios em Bonita Springs, Flórida e Sylvania, Ohio. O UBS tinha a FA e outros funcionários do UBS em sua equipe como consultores de investimentos, gerentes de investimentos, assessores financeiros e planejadores financeiros com habilidades especiais e experiência na gestão de carteiras de títulos e assuntos financeiros, patrimoniais, aposentadoria e planejamento tributário.

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Investidores em petróleo e gás: Como você recupera suas perdas em investimentos em petróleo e gás?

Investidores em petróleo e gás: Como você recupera suas perdas em investimentos em petróleo e gás? Se você está lendo este artigo, estamos supondo que você investiu em um ou mais daqueles estoques de petróleo e gás mal representados e inadequados, títulos, parcerias limitadas, commodities, pools de commodities e/ou produtos estruturados como investimentos alternativos ligados ao setor de petróleo e gás dos mercados de ações e commodities. Não ficaríamos surpresos se você fosse informado de que os grandes conglomerados de petróleo e gás tinham um histórico comprovado de grandes dividendos muito superiores aos rendimentos dos investimentos de renda fixa que você estava acostumado, mas não disse nada sobre a volatilidade desses tipos de investimentos. Talvez você esteja lendo esta página porque seu consultor financeiro recomendou que você investisse suas economias de aposentadoria em alguns daqueles produtos mais complexos e alavancados estruturados de petróleo e gás embalados como Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) ou outros Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), que foram alavancados de duas a três vezes e falharam em março deste ano. Estes não foram investimentos adequados para aposentados com perfis de risco conservadores ou moderados para investidores. Seu consultor financeiro o recomendou investir sem explicar a natureza, mecânica ou riscos de qualquer um desses investimentos em petróleo e gás? Seus investimentos foram superconcentrados (mais de 10% de sua carteira) por seu corretor ou consultor de investimentos no setor de petróleo e gás para substituir os títulos que você possuía para as ações que pagavam dividendos mais altos? Você perdeu 50% (50%) ou mais desses investimentos no setor de petróleo e gás? Não estamos chocados porque isso é exatamente o que muitos outros investidores nos disseram sobre o que aconteceu com eles recentemente. Agora vamos dizer a vocês o que fazer em relação a essas perdas nos investimentos em petróleo e gás. Seu corretor tinha o dever não só de entender mas também de explicar a natureza, a mecânica e todos os riscos associados a esses investimentos antes de vender-lhe esses investimentos, particularmente algumas das provisões dentro das ETNs, onde o corretor-dealer que emitiu as ETNs ou ETPs poderia resgatá-las ou aposentá-las e forçá-lo a perceber enormes perdas. Seu corretor também tinha o dever de certificar-se de que eles eram investimentos adequados antes de serem recomendados à luz de sua tolerância ao risco e condição financeira e não concentrar excessivamente os investimentos no setor volátil de petróleo e gás em sua carteira. Infelizmente, muitos consultores financeiros que não entendiam a natureza, mecânica ou riscos venderam estes investimentos a clientes com risco conservador e moderado que procuravam aumentar sua renda para sua aposentadoria. Estes não eram investimentos adequados para investidores com esse tipo de perfil. Se seu assessor financeiro apresentou erroneamente a natureza, mecânica ou riscos desses investimentos de petróleo e gás ou os riscos não foram completamente explicados, ou se você estava super concentrado (mais de 10%) no setor de petróleo e gás, ou se não era do seu melhor interesse (ou inadequado), e/ou se seus investimentos foram liquidados sem aviso prévio devido a chamadas de margem, você pode ter o direito de apresentar uma reclamação de arbitragem contra seu assessor financeiro e/ou a corretora que o empregou. Não há como você recuperar suas perdas nestes investimentos de petróleo e gás sem alguma ação legal. No The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A., representamos os investidores em disputas de investimento por investimentos errôneos e inadequados em ações de petróleo e gás, títulos, parcerias limitadas, commodities, pools de commodities e/ou produtos estruturados como investimentos alternativos ligados ao setor de petróleo e gás dos mercados de ações e commodities em procedimentos de arbitragem e mediação da FINRA. As reclamações que apresentamos são por fraude e deturpação, violação do dever fiduciário, falha na supervisão e recomendações inadequadas em violação às regras da SEC e da FINRA e às normas do setor. O advogado Pearce e sua equipe representam investidores em todos os Estados Unidos com base em CONTINGÊNCIA, o que significa que você não paga nada - SEM TAXAS - a menos que coloquemos dinheiro no seu bolso após recebermos um acordo ou sentença de arbitragem FINRA. Se habla español CONTATO-NOS PARA UMA CONSULTA INICIAL GRATUITA COM OS ATORNEYS DE INVESTIMENTO DE PRODUTOS ESTRUTURADOS EXPERIENTES EM ARBITRAÇÕES FINRA Os Escritórios de Advocacia de Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. têm advogados altamente experientes que trataram com sucesso muitos casos de investimento em petróleo e gás e outros assuntos de direito de títulos e disputas de investimento em procedimentos de arbitragem FINRA, e que trabalham incansavelmente para garantir o melhor resultado possível para você e seu caso. Para representação dedicada por um advogado com mais de 40 anos de experiência e sucesso em casos de produtos estruturados e todos os tipos de disputas sobre direito de valores mobiliários e investimentos, entre em contato com o escritório pelo telefone 561-338-0037, ligação gratuita 800-732-2889 ou via e-mail.

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FINRA Arbitragem: O que esperar e por que você deve escolher nosso escritório de advocacia

Se você está lendo este artigo, provavelmente é um investidor que perdeu uma quantia substancial de dinheiro, pesquisou no Google "FINRA Arbitration Lawyer", clicou em vários sites de advogados, e talvez até falou com um chamado "Securities Arbitration Lawyer" que lhe disse após um telefonema de cinco minutos que "você tem um grande caso"; "você precisa assinar um contrato de retenção com base em 'taxa de contingência'"; e "você precisa agir agora porque o estatuto de limitações vai funcionar".

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Merrill Lynch Puerto Rico Corretor de Bolsa de Porto Rico Limpa Investidor Novato com Transações de Títulos em Margem

Os escritórios de advocacia de Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. apresentaram uma reclamação contra a Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Incorporated (Merrill Lynch) para um investidor residente em Porto Rico (o "Demandante") proveniente do escritório da Merrill Lynch em Porto Rico. Um resumo das alegações do Reclamante contra a Merrill Lynch é apresentado abaixo. Se você ou qualquer membro de sua família recebeu declarações falsas e/ou declarações enganosas semelhantes da Merrill Lynch e seus corretores de Porto Rico ou se encontrou com uma conta superconcentrada em títulos municipais de Porto Rico e/ou fundos de títulos fechados, ou se você tomou dinheiro emprestado da Merrill Lynch e usou seus investimentos como garantia para esses empréstimos, talvez possamos ajudá-lo a recuperar suas perdas. Entre em contato com nosso escritório para uma consulta gratuita sobre seu caso.

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